This is code for the Servo blog:
To add a blog post, write it in a markdown file at _posts/
and submit a pull request to this repository.
First, copy one of the other instances of the TWiS posts, changing the filename and two places within the file to have the date for the Monday.
To get the list of PRs merged across all Servo organization repos in the last week, do the following query, using the Monday of last week to the Sunday of this week (performed on Monday):
New contributors can be retrieved by updating your Servo repo, checking out a hash for first thing Monday morning, and then running a script similar to the following:
START_COMMIT=`git log --before="last week" --pretty=format:%H|head -n1`
ALL_NAMES=`git log $INITIAL_COMMIT.. --pretty=format:%an|sort|uniq`
OLD_NAMES=`git log $INITIAL_COMMIT..$START_COMMIT --pretty=format:%an|sort|uniq`
echo "$OLD_NAMES">names_old.txt
echo "$ALL_NAMES">names_all.txt
diff names_old.txt names_all.txt
rm names_old.txt names_all.txt
Note that sometimes the names that come out will be unique due to somebody changing their git client username or similar.