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beatlabs / patron
Forked from mantzas/patronMicroservice framework following best cloud practices with a focus on productivity.
uber-research / go
Forked from golang/goThe Go programming language. This fork was created for pprof++, a Go profiler with hardware performance monitoring. Read through the link for more detail: https://eng.uber.com/pprof-go-profiler/
araddon / httpstream
Forked from hoisie/twitterstreamA client for http streaming API's in Go: Twitter, Flowdock, DataSift, Custom
Twitter text processing library (auto linking and extraction of usernames, lists and hashtags). Based on the Java implementation by Matt Sanford
dcramer / django-paypal
Forked from johnboxall/django-paypalA pluggable Django application for integrating PayPal Payments Standard or Payments Pro
A set of best practices and utilities for building Backbone.js applications.
sockjs / sockjs-mud
Forked from rabbitmq/flying-squirrel-demosRough and dirty web Mud game - using SockJS and Django
Now maintained at the following URL:
shiffman / libfreenect
Forked from michael-nischt/libfreenectJust working on Processing library here
avin2 / SensorKinect
Forked from PrimeSense/SensorPrimeSensor Modules for OpenNI
Capistrano recipe for a deployment workflow based on git tags
bohde / staticgenerator
Forked from lucky/staticgeneratorStaticGenerator for Django