I'm a web developer with a focus on Python, Django and React. I'm passionate about creating web applications and solving real-world problems through technology. Welcome to my GitHub page!
- 🔭 I’m currently working on exciting web development projects.
- 🌱 I’m constantly learning and improving my skills.
- 👯 I’m open to collaboration on interesting projects.
- 💬 Ask me about Python, Django, web development, or anything tech-related.
Here are some of the technologies and tools I work with:
- Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript/TypeScript, php
- Web Frameworks: Django, REST framework, Laravel, Nextjs, Vitejs
- Frontend Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Tailwindcss, JavaScript, React.js
- Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite
- Version Control: Git, GitHub
- Tools: Visual Studio Code, Git
- 🌐 Antorbon.com - A fully functional e-commerce website built with Vite and React for the frontend. The backend system for the Antorbon.com site, responsible for handling product data, user authentication, and order management. Built with Django REST Framework, it provides secure API endpoints for the frontend to interact with.
Here are a few projects I've worked on:
- CS50P Final Project - CASHBOOK: The Cashbook Management System is a Python program that allows you to track income and expenses, add cash-in and cash-out entries, manage entries and categories, and view your overall cash flow and balance instantly. It utilizes CSV files to store data, making it a simple and easy-to-use tool for personal finance management.
- CS50web Project 0 - SEARCH: The Search project is the first project of the CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript course, to recreate the iconic Google Search Engine.
- CS50Web Project 1 - WIKI: The Wiki project is the second project of the CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript course, designed to help you understand the fundamental concepts of web development. This project serves as a simple web-based encyclopedia that allows users to create, edit, and view Markdown-formatted content.
- CS50Web Project 2 - COMMERCE: CS50W's third project. Design an eBay-like e-commerce auction site that will allow users to post auction listings, place bids on listings, comment on those listings, and add listings to a “watchlist.”
- CS50Web Project 3 - MAIL: CS50W's fourth project. Design a front-end for an email client that makes API calls to send and receive emails.
- CS50Web's Project 4 - Network: CS50 Web's fifth project: Design a Twitter-like social network website for making posts and following users, like other posts, view profile, etc.
- CS50Web's Final Project - TextileLab Report Builder: Create garment test reports with ease! This web app, built using Python and JavaScript, simplifies the process of generating comprehensive lab reports for textiles. It offers a user-friendly interface for entering data and produces detailed reports, making textile testing more efficient.
- GitHub: GitHub.com/shamimhcp1
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn.com/in/shamim-hossain-1a7163234
- YouTube: Visit my YouTube channel to see projects demo and more.
- Email: shamimhcp@gmail.com
- Mobile: +8801866292003
Feel free to reach out if you'd like to collaborate or have any questions. Let's connect and build amazing things together!
Thanks for visiting my GitHub page! 😊