Commodore PC 20-III Emulator
This emulator is specifically made to emulate one of the XT-compatible PCs from Commodore in a Linux terminal.
Features and notes:
- This emulator is NOT cycle accurate! Hacks implemented to make things run.
- Intel 8088 CPU almost fully emulated except LOCK, WAIT and ESC instructions.
- Configured for 640K RAM, 2 floppy drives and CGA 80 column mode.
- CGA screen buffer at 0xB8000 drawn through curses, with color.
- ACS (Alternative Character Set) used for "graphical" CP437 characters.
- XT keyboard scan codes converted from curses counterparts.
- F11 mapped to "Left Alt" commonly used to to bring down menus programs.
- F12 mapped to "Left Ctrl" + "Scroll Lock" for doing a break in BASIC.
- MOS 5720 compatible mouse emulation, but only left and right mouse buttons.
- Faraday FE2010 chipset emulated as needed.
- OKI MSM6242 RTC emulated and routed to host system clock.
- Standard Microsystems FDC 9268 floppy controller mostly emulated.
- Basic read and write to floppies up to 2.88M.
- Autodetect of sectors-per-track from floppy image boot sector.
- Western Digital 93024-X 20 MB hard drive emulation, but read-only.
- Hard disk image expects layout matching C/H/S values of 615/4/17.
- Ctrl+C in the terminal breaks into a debugger for dumping data.
- CPU trace enabled/disabled by compile time define flag.
- Host CPU can be relaxed by intercepting int16h and waiting for stdin.
- By default expects BIOS ROM: cbm-pc10sd-bios-v4.38-318085-05-C72A.bin
- Booting from floppy disk image or hard disk image should work.
Information on my blog: