- Portland, OR
- 8h behind - https://hanselman.com
- @shanselman
- @scott.hanselman.com
- @shanselman@hachyderm.io
- https://www.threads.net/@shanselman
- Pro
PowerPointToOBSSceneSwitcher Public
A .NET core based scene switcher than connects to OBS and changes scenes based note meta data. Put "OBS:Your Scene Name" as the first line in your notes and ensure the OBS Web Sockets Server is run…
TinyOS Public
TinyOS in C#
vue-shopping-cart Public
Forked from craigloewen-msft/vue-shopping-cartA bare bones shopping cart implementation with Vue
oh-my-posh Public
Forked from JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-poshA prompt theme engine for any shell.
howtounmute.com Public
How many engineers does it take to unmute a conference system? A lot. Here's a repo of how to unmute!
usbipd-win Public
Forked from dorssel/usbipd-winWindows software for sharing locally connected USB devices to other machines, including Hyper-V guests and WSL 2.
Removes all the NET Core SDK Installers
CareLink Public
Forked from paul1956/CareLinkInternal Repo for CareLink Windows App
yonce Public
Forked from minamarkham/yonce👑 Queen Bey-inspired themes for all your favs.
PrettyWindowsTerminalThings Public
A place for how to make your Windows Terminal Pretty
ShareClientDotNet Public
Forked from dabear/ShareClientDotNetClasses for interacting and retrieving glucose data from Dexcom share
OpenTK-Minecraft Public
Forked from Unknown6656/OpenTK-MinecraftA Minecraft clone written mainly in C#
microsoft teams buttons for streamdeck
13 UpdatedMar 9, 2021 -
hanselman.com-bugs Public
A place for you to file issues/bugs that you've found on Scott Hanselman's blog at http://hanselman.com
WindowsTerminalHere Public
a .inf file for a right click Explorer "windows terminal here" for Windows Terminal until it's supported directly
awesome-devs-on-tiktok Public
Forked from awesometechtok/awesome-devs-on-tiktokA community-built list of developers making content on TikTok!
dasblog Public
The old, wonderful, and scalable DasBlog Blogging Engine
devcomrade Public
Forked from postprintum/devcomradeDevComrade - A copy/paste/run productivity improvement utility for developers
sharp-lzw Public
Archived copy of https://code.google.com/archive/p/sharp-lzw
website Public
Forked from dotnet-foundation/websiteThe .NET Foundation's website
Hanselminutes-Transcripts Public
An attempt to get some proper MD transcripts for the Hanselminutes Podcast
8 UpdatedJul 28, 2020 -