This repository contains example Node.js scripts using the Sharetribe Integration API.
You can use this repo to connect to your own Sharetribe marketplace, and print out information of it using the examples. The examples can also work as a baseline for your own integration scripts.
Integration API is primarily meant for integrations to 3rd party services (e.g. data sync). This means that, unlike Marketplace API, Integration API doesn't have built-in access management for different users.
If you expose the client id & client secret of Integration API to the public web, you are essentially giving the keys to anyone to access all the data on your marketplace and also a possibility to modify it.
- Install required tools:
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- Change to the cloned directory:
cd sharetribe-integration-api-examples
- Install dependencies:
yarn install
- Copy the environment configuration template:
cp env-template .env
- Set the client application details in the
configuration file:
To get a client ID and secret, create a new application in Console:
Note: you don't need to use the .env
file, you can also just set the
environment variables in your shell. Using the env file is just a
convenient way to get started.
All the scripts are in the scripts/ directory. You can use Node to run them:
node scripts/script-name.js [options]
To test your setup, you can run the script to show the marketplace information:
> node scripts/show-marketplace.js
Name: My Test marketplace
If you use Integration API to read or write data from your web app:
- Don’t add its client id & client secret to environment variables that start with
Those variables are included in your react app - if you are using Sharetribe Web Template or Create React App (CRA). - Don’t add id, secret, or integration SDK to files that get compiled into the web app on the build step.
Essentially, this means everything on thesrc/
Instead, create a new /api/
endpoint to a secure environment (like your server) and call it from the web app. In your new server route, you can:
- Initialize SDKs for Integration API and Marketplace API
- Marketplace API can be used to verify that the user who calls your new route is authenticated user
Marketplace SDK shares the session between browser and server - After you have verified that the user has the right to call your new server route, you can make the call with Integration SDK.
- And last but not least: whatever data you get from Integration API, clean it from the stuff that should not be returned to webapp. E.g. Unpublished listings, private data, etc. This depends on the use case.
As a summary: don’t just create a dummy proxy - check who makes the request, sanitize request data, and clean the possible response data.
Prints information of the marketplace.
> node scripts/show-marketplace.js
Name: My Test marketplace
Prints information of the users, listings, and transactions of the marketplace. Also prints out what new things have been added in the current month.
> node scripts/analytics.js
================ My Test marketplace analytics ================
Listings: 20
- 1 draft(s)
- 1 pending approval
- 17 published
- 1 closed
Users: 14
Transactions: 9
This month, starting from Fri Nov 01 2019:
- 1 new user(s)
- 8 new listing(s)
- 9 new transaction(s)
Prints out an example email for newly joined users. The email welcomes the new users and showcases a few recently published listings.
This could be extended into a script that is run periodically and that actually sends the email to the listed users.
> node scripts/welcome-email.js
Subject: Welcome to Bikesoil!
Checkout some of the recently published listings:
Nishiki 401, $123.98:
Pelago Brooklyn, $123.33:
Minnesota 2.0 Fat Bike - Lady, $63.12:
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by responding to this email.
Bikesoil Team
Sets a verified
attribute true in the metadata of a user. The user is defined
by passing an email address as the first parameter.
> node scripts/update-user-metadata.js
Metadata updated for user
Current metadata: {
"verified": true
Update a user's profile image. A image file is uploaded and attached to a user. The uploaded image is defined by passing the file path as the first parameter.
> node scripts/update-profile-image.js /tmp/profile_image.jpg
Profile image updated for user
Approves all listings of a given user that are in the pendingApproval
The user is defined by passing an email address as the first parameter.
> node scripts/approve-listings-by-user.js <<<
Approved listing: Sauna by a lake (9f3419cc-49aa-4877-ac5b-7b25248414ef)
Approved listing: Electric city sauna (9009efe1-25ec-4ed5-9413-e80c584ff6bf)
Prints out information about new published listings or listings pending approval (if your marketplace is configured with listing approval feature on). Uses events to efficiently detect new listings or changes in the listings' state.
> node scripts/notify-new-listings.js
The script runs until interrupted. Create some listings in your marketplace while the script is running to see output.
Script to bulk update listings' day-based availability plans to time-based plans. The bulk update executes API requests sequentially with a proper timeout so that the script doesn't trigger API rate-limiting.
To dry run the script, run:
> node scripts/bulk-update-listings.js
If you really want to run the script (please note, this will really update all the listings in your marketplace!), use --dry-run=false