A fastfood seller offers 5 sandwiches with the following composition:
Fromage 3€
— 1 pain
— 10g de beurre
— 2 tranches d’emmental
Jambon-beurre 4€
— 1 pain
— 1 tranche de jambon
— 10g de beurre
— 10g de salade
Panini 5€
— 1 pain
— 1 tranche de jambon
— 2 tranches d’emmental
— 1/2tomate
— 10g de salade
Belge 5€
— 1 pain
— 1 steak
— 50g de frites
— 20g de mayonnaise
— 10g de salade
Dieppois 4,50€
— 1 pain
— 50g de thon
— 20g de mayonnaise
— 10g de salade
You can ask to double an ingredient already present in a sandwich.
You can add ingredients: bread, ham (1 slice), Butter (10g), salad (10g), emmental (2 slices), ketchup (10g), mustard(20g), fries (50g), tomato (12), Steak, tuna (50g). However, any sandwich contains at most one meat(ham, steak, tuna).
You can also require to delete an ingredient.
The addition, doubling or deletion of an ingredient is billed 0.5€.
We want to write a program which takes the order of sandwiches as input, for example:
1 belge
3 paninis dont 2 avec frites mais sans jambon et 1 sans tomate
3 belges dont 1 sans steak mais avec double frites
After running the program, the client will receive a facture:
1 belge 5.00
3 paninis 15.00
2 avec frites 1.00
2 sans jambon 1.00
1 sans tomate 0.50
3 belges 15.00
1 sans steak 0.50
1 avec double frites 0.50
Total : 38.50
The seller will receive an inventory of ingredients required in CSV format:
The kitchen will receive a HTML page of which sandwich to prepare:
<li>1 sans tomate</li>
<li>2 avec frites mais sans jambon</li>
<li>3 normaux</li>
<li>1 sans steak mais avec double frites</li>