This documentation provides an overview of Project Firefly as well as guides, reference documentation, and tools to help you begin developing your own custom applications.
- Setting up Your Environment
- Creating your First Project Firefly Application
- Publishing Your First Project Firefly Application
- Troubleshooting the most common issues
- Architecture Overview
- Security Overview
- Integration Guide with Adobe Experience Cloud
- Integration Guide for building Event-driven Applications with I/O Events
- Custom Events Overview
- Understanding Authentication
- Dealing with Application State
- Introduction to React Spectrum
- Using Client SDKs for Accessing Adobe APIs
- Deployment Overview
- CI/CD for Firefly Applications
- Managing Application Logs
- Extending the CLI App Plugin Commands
- Tips and Tricks for optimizing Your Project Firefly Apps
- Adobe Developer Console
- Adobe CLI
- Project Firefly Application Generators
- Developer Console Project Generators
- Adobe Authentication Library
- Token-Vending Machine
- SDK Libraries
- Github Actions Support