To quickstart with Showdown, install it as a package (for server-side) or include it to your browser (client-side) via CDN:
=== "npm"
npm install showdown
=== "bower"
bower install showdown
=== "NuGet"
PM> Install-Package showdownjs
More information about the package you can find on the [NuGet website](
=== "jsDelivr"
[Showndown page on jsDelivr](
=== "cdnjs"
[Showndown page on cdnjs](
=== "unpkg"
[Showndown page on unpkg](
!!! note ""
Replace <version>
with an actual full length version you're interested in. For example, 2.0.3
Once installed, you can use Showndown according to the chosen method:
!!! example "Node.js"
=== "code"
var showdown = require('showdown'),
converter = new showdown.Converter(),
text = '# hello, markdown!',
html = converter.makeHtml(text);
=== "output"
<h1 id="hellomarkdown">hello, markdown!</h1>
!!! example "Browser"
=== "code"
var converter = new showdown.Converter(),
text = '# hello, markdown!',
html = converter.makeHtml(text);
=== "output"
<h1 id="hellomarkdown">hello, markdown!</h1>
!!! warning "Potential XSS vulnerabilities" Showdown doesn't sanitize the input since Markdown relies on it to parse certain features correctly into HTML. As a result, this may lead to potential XSS injection vulnerabilities.
Please refer to the [Markdown's XSS vulnerability]( page for more information.
You can download the latest tarball directly from releases.
If you're looking for Showdown prior to version 1.0.0, you can find them in the legacy branch.
The full changelog is available here.