Nmae: Shree priyanka V L
ID: CT08DS6936
Domain: Web development
Duration: AUG to SEP 2024
Mentor: Neela Santhosh Kumar
This Weather App is designed to provide users with real-time weather updates for any location they enter. With its intuitive interface and real-time data fetching capabilities, the app ensures that users have access to essential weather details to help them plan their day effectively.
Search Bar: Users can enter any location to retrieve weather information. A simple text box is provided for input, accompanied by a search button with an icon.
Error Handling: If the entered location is not recognized, the app displays a "Not Found" message along with an image, ensuring users are aware of any issues.
Weather Display: The app presents a comprehensive overview of the current weather, including:
An image representing the weather status (e.g., sunny, rainy).
Weather condition
Wind speed
FontAwesome Icons: Used to enhance the user interface with icons like the search magnifying glass and location pin. Images: Visually represent weather conditions, making the data more relatable and easy to understand.
The app’s functionality is powered by JavaScript, which handles data fetching from a weather API and dynamically displays the weather information on the page.
Includes copyright information and credits, ensuring proper attribution.