You can install docker-phobia with:
curl -sf | sh
# will build the binary and place it in PATH
# if you have go installed you can also do
go install
# Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
# ? Select a Docker image:
# ▸ node:18-slim
# postgres:latest
# or pass the image tag as an argument
docker-phobia node:18-slim
Every rectangle represents a folder or file in the image. The bigger the rectangle, the more space it takes up.
The different colors represent the different layers in the image. If two rectangles have the same color, they are in the same layer. If the color shade is similar, they are from layers close to each other.
Execute docker-phobia to initiate a Go script that leverages dive internal API for Docker image retrieval and analysis, outputting a JSON file structure with file sizes. Concurrently, it spins up a server on port 8080 and launches, which visualizes the JSON data as a treemap.