This image uses Wolfi-OS to create a very small PHP-CS-Fixer Docker image and still glibc, to be used in CI/CD pipelines.
- Official PHP-CS-Fixer image is 100MB and uses Alpine Linux (is musl and does sometimes work different than your local machine)
- This image is 41MB and uses Wolfi OS (is glibc and works the same as your regular local machine)
# or alternative use
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) shyim/php-cs-fixer:latest --rules @PER-CS2.0,@PER-CS2.0:risky --allow-risky=yes .
If you don't want to pass the as arguments, you can create your regular .php-cs-fixer.php
file and PHP-CS-Fixer will pick it up as usual.