- machine learning模块支持cn_clip(https://github.com/OFA-Sys/Chinese-CLIP)
- geocode支持高德地图api(在.env中增加GEOCODE_WITH_AMAP=true AMAP_GEOCODE_KEYS=key1,key2)
- 页面侧边栏改为窄模式
- 修复了一些bug(ios移动端下载视频失败、移动端搜索展示数量太少等)
- 搜索支持日期搜索(20240202搜索某一天,20240202-20240302搜索一个区间)
This fork mainly makes some modifications according to my needs, but I'm busy with work and don't have time to submit a PR to the official repository for now. Those in need can use it themselves, and I will continue to merge modifications from the main branch in the future.
The main modifications are as follows:
- The machine learning module supports cn_clip (https://github.com/OFA-Sys/Chinese-CLIP)
- Geocode supports the Amap API (add GEOCODE_WITH_AMAP=true AMAP_GEOCODE_KEYS=key1,key2 in .env)
- The page sidebar has been changed to a narrow mode
- Fixed some bugs (failure to download videos on iOS mobile end, too few search displays on mobile end, etc.)
- Search supports date search (search for a specific day with 20240202, search for a range with 20240202-20240302)

Català Español Français Italiano 日本語 한국어 Deutsch Nederlands Türkçe 中文 Українська Русский Português Brasileiro Svenska العربية Tiếng Việt ภาษาไทย
⚠️ The project is under very active development.⚠️ Expect bugs and breaking changes.⚠️ Do not use the app as the only way to store your photos and videos.⚠️ Always follow 3-2-1 backup plan for your precious photos and videos!
You can find the main documentation, including installation guides, at https://immich.app/.
Access the demo here. The demo is running on a Free-tier Oracle VM in Amsterdam with a 2.4Ghz quad-core ARM64 CPU and 24GB RAM.
For the mobile app, you can use https://demo.immich.app/api
for the Server Endpoint URL
Password | |
demo@immich.app | demo |
Features | Mobile | Web |
Upload and view videos and photos | Yes | Yes |
Auto backup when the app is opened | Yes | N/A |
Prevent duplication of assets | Yes | Yes |
Selective album(s) for backup | Yes | N/A |
Download photos and videos to local device | Yes | Yes |
Multi-user support | Yes | Yes |
Album and Shared albums | Yes | Yes |
Scrubbable/draggable scrollbar | Yes | Yes |
Support raw formats | Yes | Yes |
Metadata view (EXIF, map) | Yes | Yes |
Search by metadata, objects, faces, and CLIP | Yes | Yes |
Administrative functions (user management) | No | Yes |
Background backup | Yes | N/A |
Virtual scroll | Yes | Yes |
OAuth support | Yes | Yes |
API Keys | N/A | Yes |
LivePhoto/MotionPhoto backup and playback | Yes | Yes |
Support 360 degree image display | No | Yes |
User-defined storage structure | Yes | Yes |
Public Sharing | Yes | Yes |
Archive and Favorites | Yes | Yes |
Global Map | Yes | Yes |
Partner Sharing | Yes | Yes |
Facial recognition and clustering | Yes | Yes |
Memories (x years ago) | Yes | Yes |
Offline support | Yes | No |
Read-only gallery | Yes | Yes |
Stacked Photos | Yes | Yes |
Tags | No | Yes |
Folder View | No | Yes |
Read more about translations here.