- Toulouse
- https://sileht.net/
- @sileht
- in/sileht
Don't just present; interact with your audience!
JSEncrypt JavaScript library packaged as XStatic. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
Jasmine JavaScript library packaged as XStatic. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
Rickshaw JavaScript library packaged as XStatic. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
Tablesorter jQuery plugin packaged as XStatic. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
Hogan JavaScript library packaged as XStatic. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
Quicksearch jQuery plugin packaged as XStatic. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
Tool to produce static HTML that shows progress during a Bug Day. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
OpenStack DNS As A Service (Designate) Horizon Plugin. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
The UI component for Magnum. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
Vitrage UI Dashboard. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
Ironic plugin UI for Horizon to allow users to view and manage bare metal. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
AngularJS widget that provides faceted and text search. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
The UI component for Zun. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
Monasca Grafana Datasource. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
JavaScript Style Guidelines for OpenStack. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
Debian package build scripts for novnc project
The UI component for Zaqar. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
build package for Spice HTML5 Web client
A karma plugin to report Karma test results as a subunit stream. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
Debian package build scripts for python-xstatic-term.js project
Metrics and Graphs for Puppet Community Pull Requests: http://pullrequestmetrics.herokuapp.com/
A web-based reports application for Puppet
Brian Cain's PuppetDB Query Dashboard as a Trapperkeeper plugin
sileht / noVNC
Forked from novnc/noVNCVNC client using HTML5 (Web Sockets, Canvas) with encryption (wss://) support.