Give your pages some headroom. Hide your header until you need it
💅🏻 ⚒ A collection of awesome design systems
A basic spellchecker that checks all layers on a page in Sketch
Sketch plugin to fill a shape with a map generated from a given location using Google Maps and Mapbox
Create your animations directly in Sketch using AnimateMate.
Sketch plugin that helps you prepare frame sequences to combine with Generate Gif plugin to generate animated gifs inside Sketch. Perfect for Dribbble.
Exports a simple website using a bunch of conventions and a Sketch document as the structure
Optimize your typography using the power of math.
A Sketch plugin to collect font files you used in your sketch file.
Increase your landing page conversion rates.
OctoLinker — Links together, what belongs together
A lightweight pattern library designed to be included with any web project.
Let your page react to scroll changes.
🐰 A simple and powerful switch for checkbox.
WordPress starter theme with Laravel Blade components and templates, Tailwind CSS, and block editor support
A lazy image loader designed to enforce progressive enhancement and valid HTML.
Prelaunch MVP landing page (open source alternative to LaunchRock) to get you going quickly so you can focus on your product. Written in Ruby and Rails 4.2 with email collection for two or more use…
A Mailgun powered landing page to capture early sign ups
Slack / Sonos / Spotify / Node.js - Control Sonos through #Slack
A supercharged Git/GitHub command line interface (CLI). An official integration for GitHub and GitHub Enterprise:
🔫 pull down the entire Internet into a single animated gif.
Download the entire Wayback Machine archive for a given URL.
Sketch plugin to export artboards to PDF slideshow, from current page, all pages, or from current selection.
A flexible and beautiful UI framework for React.js