- Nuxt.js - The Vue.js App framework
- Storyblok CMS - Headless Component-Based CMS with a Visual Editor
- with field level i18n set up
- Tailwind - utility-first CSS framework
- Multiple Languages
- PurgeCSS (CSS Tree Shaking) - Get rid of all unused CSS
- Sitemap
- RSS Generation (WIP)
Duplicate Space #59005
- Create a free Storyblok account
- Create a new Space (name it however you like)
- Go to Settings -> API Keys and create a new public token
- Paste both, the preconfigured preview tokens and the public token to the corresponding fields in
- Create a new Component "PageGeneral"
- Check "Act as content type"
- Uncheck "Nestable"
- Create a new schema key "metadata"
- type: plugin -> select meta-fields
- check "required"
- Create a new schema key "body"
- type: "Blocks"
# install NVM
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.34.0/install.sh | bash
# install and use current node version
nvm install 12
# install yarn globally
npm i -g yarn # or skip if you want to stick with npm
# install dependencies
$ yarn # or npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev # or npm dev