The ‘Register of training providers’ is a proof of concept for DfE and, more specifically, Becoming a teacher (BAT) to manage a canonical list of training providers.
This prototype is based on the:
- Node.js - version 22.x.x
- Clone this repository to a folder on your computer
- Open Terminal
- In Terminal, change the path to the repository
- Type
npm install
to install the dependencies
- In Terminal, change the path to the repository
- Type
npm run dev
and start the application
The prototype uses a SQLite database to store data and includes a set of seed data.
The database is built when you run npm install
You can also regenerate the database:
- In Terminal, change the path to the repository
- Type
npm run build-database
The prototype uses environment variables to help configure the application. These include:
Variable | Type | Description |
string | The API key needed to access the Ordnance Survey Places API |
string | The API key needed to access the Google Maps API |
If you’re using Visual Studio (VS) Code for prototyping, we recommend you install the following extensions:
We also recommend you update your VS Code settings to make sure you’re trimming whitespace: Files: Trim Trailing Whitespace