Get the URL to a Gravatar image from an identifier, such as an email
$ npm install gravatar-url
import gravatarUrl from 'gravatar-url';
gravatarUrl('', {size: 200});
//=> ''
Type: string
Identifier for which to get the Gravatar image.
This will typically be an email matching a Gravatar profile, but can technically be any string.
The Gravatar service only sees a hash of the identifier, so you could actually use this to get pseudo-random avatars for any entity, e.g. based on its ID.
Note that if the identifier contains an @
, it is assumed to be an email, and will therefore be lower-cased and trimmed before hashing, as per the Gravatar instructions - otherwise it will be hashed as-is.
Type: object
Type: number
Default: 80
Values: 1..2048
Size of the image.
Type: string
Default: This image
Values: Custom URL or 404
, mp
, identicon
, monsterid
, wavatar
, retro
, blank
Image to return if the identifier didn't match any Gravatar profile.
Type: string
Default: g
Values: g
Allowed rating of the image.
- get-gravatar - Get a Gravatar image