Cat-adoption-Home-Webpage Public
Sample web page for a Cat-adoption Website
HTML MIT License UpdatedAug 19, 2023 -
Financial Investment Firm Website made with Materialize.css. Includes scrollSpy, fadeInImage, google map api & Downloadable .pdf future client application
Freelance Web development portfolio
MIT License UpdatedAug 19, 2023 -
paradise-parallax-template Public
Bootstrap 4 parallax template
bootstrap-grid bootstrap4 responsive-layout bootstrap-theme vacation-rental travel-website vacation-websiteHTML MIT License UpdatedAug 17, 2023 -
This repo has 3 sample business friendly website themes.
parallax-news-corp Public
News blog theme made with materialize css
HTML MIT License UpdatedAug 17, 2023 -
java-projects Public
These are small Java programs meant for learning the fundamentals of the Java programming language.
chasesinghofen Public
Forked from chasesinghofen/chasesinghofenPortfolio & Projects using Github pages.
python-projects Public
Various python programs meant for understanding the fundamentals.
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 16, 2023 -
projects-using-scotch-box- Public
Various projects use scotch box, bash and virtual box
singhofen.github.io Public
My GitHub pages website.
This is a sample HTML5-CSS3 Resume template used as a website for anyone. It uses the w3css framework and a contact form with netlify.
c-programming Public
These are small C language programs meant for learning and understanding the fundamentals of programming.
Catered towards freelancers, this is a professional responsive website used for small businesses to manage content, websites or content creation for clients.
Hospital Registration contact form using firebase
Travel Agency website using materialize. Clean & responsive with image gallery, image lightbox, carousel, Google Maps & image API's
photo-gallery-img-template Public
photo gallery image template. Multiple options to display photos for a photographers website
Omnifood-restaurant-menu Public
Restaurant website. Uses jQeury, Vanilla JS, js scroll-reveal, CSS3 Animations, Responsive, Google Map API. Clean & Professional.
html-email-template Public
Sample responsive HTML Email Templates for use in marketing campaign.
HTML UpdatedFeb 13, 2020 -
Capstone-2018-Museum-Website Public
Museum Website. This website covers a timeline of the history of social media online communication from the 1960's to present 2015.
HTML MIT License UpdatedDec 11, 2019 -
Custom cPanel Admin website made with Materialize css. 7 pages total. Features include a dashoard & Users page. Includes login/logout, statistics, charts & graphics section.
Small-JavaScript-projects Public
Small Javascript projects. Made with .js libraries: Moon.js, particle.js, push.js. As well as jQuery and vanilla JS.
2016-COP-2822-web-dev Public
Files for 2016 fall web development class websites Valencia college. Instructed to make websites using HTML5,CSS3 and FTP FileZilla.
HTML MIT License UpdatedJun 1, 2019 -
Special-CSS3-Flex-box-UI-UX-Projects. Please scroll through the README.md file for further description of all projects
HTML UpdatedApr 29, 2019 -
w3css-photography-portfolio Public
Sample photography website feturing a portfolio, projects and information about the photographer. See images below in Readme file.
CSS MIT License UpdatedMar 18, 2019 -
Sample-blog-page-HTML-CSS Public
Simple 1 pg- blog page HTML/CSS Template
HTML MIT License UpdatedOct 15, 2018