Creating Swagger / OpenAPI Spec files is hard. This makes it easier.
This tool currently supports Swagger 2
and OAS 3
npm install oas -g
Go to a directory with your API, and type:
oas init
It will walk you through how to document your API with a OpenAPI 3.0 Spec.
Rather than trying to juggle one gigantic repo, oas
uses something called
swagger-inline. It lets you include
a little swagger snippet in a comment above your code, and collects them all
together into one Swagger file:
* @oas [get] /pet/{petId}
* description: "Returns all pets from the system that the user has access to"
* parameters:
* - (path) petId=hi* {String} The pet ID
* - (query) limit {Integer:int32} The number of resources to return
You need to start with @oas [method] path
, but everything below it is a valid
Swagger Path Definition.
You can also do inline parameters, which are shorthand for parameters. They aren't valid Swagger, however Swagger Inline knows how to compile them:
- (in) name=default* {type:format} Description
Hosting Swagger files is hard! So, we have an online component that hosts your Swagger file for you. Just type the following to get a URL:
oas host
This will upload your Swagger file and give you a URL you can use.