- Pro
Functional language transpiler to Golang written by Golang (self hosted).
Lython is an experimental compiler that transforms Python code into LLVM IR and compiles to native binaries.
Set of benchmarks for the YJIT CRuby JIT compiler and other Ruby implementations.
A Simple showcase for the Sea-of-Nodes compiler IR
chibivue is a minimal vuejs/core implementations (reactivity, virtual dom, component runtime, compiler). An online book for building your own Vue.js.
Materials for the class "Implementation of Programming Languages" in Kyoto University.
Reference Implementation for Book of "Writing A Wasm Runtime in Rust"
Ruby on (Wasm)Edge - Zen and the Art of mruby for WASM
The miniature, embeddable R7RS Scheme implementation in Rust
Blazingly 🔥 fast 🚀 memory vulnerabilities, written in 100% safe Rust. 🦀
The Standard ML compiler that produces Lua/JavaScript
Alba is a JSON serializer for Ruby, JRuby and TruffleRuby.
Are We Fast Yet? Comparing Language Implementations with Objects, Closures, and Arrays
JIT compiler and runtime for a toy language, using Cranelift