Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later.
Computing-focused community centered around link aggregation and discussion
Test your rendered HTML files to make sure they're accurate.
EXPERIMENTAL password management app. Don't use this.
🔒 simple sinatra extension to authenticate users against github oauth
Convert mathematical equations to SVGs, PNGs, or MathML. A general wrapper to Lasem and mtex2MML.
A small gem that provides a library to help in the solving of Project Euler problems
Rector coordinates parallelized jobs that generate metrics or other data together
An example of TDD with Cucumber, Webrat, & Rspec used as a coding demo
My presentation about CoffeeScript for June 2011 ATLRUG
When installed, allows a user to check for updates in their Rails application
A small gem which provides a secure method of logging into the GATech LAWN network.
A small gem that helps you decide between a few choices
skalnik / scout_scout
Forked from jnewland/scout_scoutScout your data out of Scout