All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.37.1-alpha.0 (2022-08-10)
2.37.0-alpha.0 (2022-08-09)
- redshift: The way to specify a logging bucket and prefix will change to use an interface.
- apigatewayv2: WebSocket API - IAM authorizer support (#21393) (a1a6e6c)
- appsync: allow user to configure log retention time (#21418) (a2bb263), closes #20536
- batch: ComputeEnvironment implements IConnectable (#21458) (4bc9651), closes #20983
- integ-runner: add option to show deployment output (#21466) (289fb96)
- iot-actions: add support for DynamoDBv2 rule (#20171) (a57dec3), closes #20162
- iot-actions: support for sending messages to iot-events (#19953) (35fc169)
- iotevents: support timer actions (#19949) (af301dd)
2.36.0-alpha.0 (2022-08-08)
2.35.0-alpha.0 (2022-08-02)
- cognito-identitypool: providerUrl causes error when mappingKey is not provided and it is a token (#21191) (d91c904), closes #19222 /
2.34.2-alpha.0 (2022-07-29)
2.34.1-alpha.0 (2022-07-29)
- Revert to
as dynamic runtime type-checking it introduced for Python results in incorrect code being produced.
2.34.0-alpha.0 (2022-07-28)
- appsync: support for read consistency during DynamoDB reads (#20793) (0b911ef)
- batch: add default AWS_ACCOUNT and AWS_REGION to Batch container, if they are not explicitly set (#21041) (eed854e)
2.33.0-alpha.0 (2022-07-19)
- cloud9: The imageId parameter is now required and deployments will fail without it
- cloud9: support imageid when creating cloud9 environment (#21194) (dcf3eb3)
- redshift: adds elasticIp parameter to redshift cluster (#21085) (c88030f), closes #19191
2.32.1-alpha.0 (2022-07-15)
2.32.0-alpha.0 (2022-07-14)
- appsync: set max batch size when using batch invoke (#20995) (69d25a6), closes #20467
- batch: add launchTemplateId in LaunchTemplateSpecification (#20184) (269b8d0), closes #20163
- glue: enable partition filtering on tables (#21081) (bf35048), closes #20825
- integ-tests: expose adding IAM policies to the assertion provider (#20769) (c2f40b7)
- neptune: add engine version (#21079) (a113816), closes #20869
- redshift: adds classic or elastic resize type option (#21084) (b5e9c1a), closes #19430
- appsync: domain name api association fails when domain name creation is in the same stack (#20173) (c1495f0), closes #18395
- integ-runner: test names change depending on the discovery directory (#21093) (d38f78c)
2.31.2-alpha.0 (2022-07-13)
2.31.1-alpha.0 (2022-07-08)
2.31.0-alpha.0 (2022-07-06)
2.30.0-alpha.0 (2022-07-01)
2.29.1-alpha.0 (2022-06-24)
2.29.0-alpha.0 (2022-06-22)
2.28.1-alpha.0 (2022-06-15)
2.28.0-alpha.0 (2022-06-14)
- appsync: Create Lambda permission when using Lambda Authorizer(#… (#20641) (6176400), closes #20234
- integ-runner: don't allow new legacy tests (#20614) (c946615)
2.27.0-alpha.0 (2022-06-02)
- integ-runner: catch snapshot errors, treat
as command-line (#20523) (cedfde8) - integ-runner: don't throw error if tests pass (#20511) (c274c2f), closes #20384
2.26.0-alpha.0 (2022-05-27)
- integ-runner: always resynth on deploy (#20508) (7138057)
- integ-tests: DeployAssert should be private (#20466) (0f52813)
2.25.0-alpha.0 (2022-05-20)
- cloud9: configure Connection Type of Ec2Environment (#20250) (01708bc), closes #17027
- integ-tests: enhancements to integ-tests (#20180) (3ff3fb7)
2.24.1-alpha.0 (2022-05-12)
2.24.0-alpha.0 (2022-05-11)
2.23.0-alpha.0 (2022-05-04)
- integ-runner: disable-update-workflow default is 'false' instead of false (#20073) (9f7aa65)
- integ-runner: only diff registered stacks (#20100) (721bd4b)
2.22.0-alpha.0 (2022-04-27)
- integ-tests: add
to group test cases (#20015) (b4f8d91) - integ-tests: make assertions on deployed infrastructure (#20071) (8362efe)
- lambda-python: handler path is incorrectly generated when using PythonFunction (#20083) (6787376)
- lambda-python: Pipenv projects no longer work for Python 3.6 (#20019) (c5dcdeb)
- lambda-python: Pipenv projects no longer work for Python 3.6 (#20019) (5024021)
2.21.1-alpha.0 (2022-04-22)
2.21.0-alpha.0 (2022-04-22)
- apigatewayv2: set throttling on stages (#19776) (3cabd10), closes #19626
- integ-runner: add missing features from the integ manifest (#19969) (2ca5050)
- integ-runner: integ-runner enhancements (#19865) (697fdbe)
- integ-runner: test update path when running tests (#19915) (d0ace8f)
- integ-tests: Add
(#19829) (ad249c9) - iotevents: support comparison operators (#19329) (95cb3f3)
- integ-runner: enable all feature flags by default (#19955) (ca3920d)
- lambda-python: Pipenv projects no longer work for Python 3.6 (#20019) (08cfc2d)
2.20.0-alpha.0 (2022-04-07)
2.19.0-alpha.0 (2022-03-31)
2.18.0-alpha.0 (2022-03-28)
- appsync: support custom domain mappings (#19368) (8c7a4ac), closes #18040
- synthetics: add support for puppeteer 3.4 runtime (#19429) (024b890), closes #19382
2.17.0-alpha.0 (2022-03-17)
- appsync: add OpenSearch domain data source (#16529) (922a9dc), closes #16528
- iotevents: support SetVariable action (#19305) (c222b12)
- synthetics: add vpc configuration (#18447) (c991e92), closes #11865 #9954
2.16.0-alpha.0 (2022-03-11)
- aws-s3objectlambda: add L2 construct for S3 Object Lambda (#15833) (fe9f750), closes #13675
- iotevents: support actions (#18869) (e01654e)
- iotevents: support setting Events on input and exit for State (#19249) (ffa9e0d)
- servicecatalog: Service Catalog is now in Developer Preview (#19204) (6dfc254)
- apigatewayv2-integrations: in case of multiple routes, only one execute permission is created (#18716) (1e352ca)
- lambda-python: asset bundling fails on windows (#19270) (0da57da), closes #18861
- lambda-python: docker image gets built even when we don't need to bundle assets (#16192) (5dc61ea), closes #14747
2.15.0-alpha.0 (2022-03-01)
2.14.0-alpha.0 (2022-02-25)
2.13.0-alpha.0 (2022-02-18)
- iot-actions: add SNS publish action (#18839) (3a39f6b), closes #17700
- iotevents: create new module for IoT Events actions (#18956) (3533ea9), closes /
- synthetics: generated role has incorrect permissions for cloudwatch logs (#18946) (f8bb85f), closes #18910
2.12.0-alpha.0 (2022-02-08)
2.11.0-alpha.0 (2022-02-08)
- amplify: support performance mode in Branch (#18598) (bdeb8eb), closes #18557
- iot: add Action to republish MQTT messages to another MQTT topic (#18661) (7ac1215)
- iotevents: add grant method to Input class (#18617) (e89688e)
2.10.0-alpha.0 (2022-01-29)
- servicecatalog:
now havescope
argument in constructor, and data is now passed via aallowedValueForTags
field in props
- iotevents: add DetectorModel L2 Construct (#18049) (d0960f1), closes #17711 #17711
- iotevents: allow setting description, evaluation method and key of DetectorModel (#18644) (2eeaebc)
- lambda-python: support setting environment vars for bundling (#18635) (30e2233)
- servicecatalog: Create TagOptions Construct (#18314) (903c4b6), closes #17753
- apigatewayv2: websocket api: allow all methods in grant manage connections (#18544) (41c8a3f), closes #18410
- synthetics: correct getbucketlocation policy (#13573) (e743525), closes #13572
2.9.0-alpha.0 (2022-01-26)
- aws-neptune: add autoMinorVersionUpgrade to cluster props (#18394) (8b5320a), closes #17545
- iot: add Action to put record to Kinesis Data stream (#18321) (1480213), closes #17703
2.8.0-alpha.0 (2022-01-13)
- apigatewayv2:
has been renamed toHttpIntegrationType.AWS_PROXY
- apigatewayv2: HttpRouteIntegration supports AWS services integrations (#18154) (a8094c7), closes #16287
- apigatewayv2: support for mock integration type (#18129) (7779c14), closes #15008
2.7.0-alpha.0 (2022-01-12)
- iot: the class
has been renamed toFirehosePutRecordAction
- apigatewayv2-authorizers:
default changes from['$request.header.Authorization']
- apigatewayv2-authorizers: incorrect
default forWebSocketLambdaAuthorizer
(#18315) (74eee1e), closes #16886 / #18307 - iot:
is now calledFirehosePutRecordAction
(#18356) (c016a9f), closes / - lambda-python: asset files are generated inside the 'asset-input' folder (#18306) (b00b44e)
- lambda-python: asset files are generated inside the 'asset-input' folder (#18306) (aff607a)
- lambda-python: bundle asset files correctly (#18335) (3822c85), closes / #18301 /
2.6.0-alpha.0 (2022-01-12)
- lambda-python: asset files are generated inside the 'asset-input' folder (backport #18306) (#18341) (a1715e4)
2.5.0-alpha.0 (2022-01-09)
2.4.0-alpha.0 (2022-01-06)
- lambda-python:
properties moved to newbundling
property. - lambda-python: Runtime is now required for
- appsync: The
property is now required.
- amplify: Add Amplify asset deployment resource (#16922) (499ba85), closes #16208
- apigatewayv2: http api - IAM authorizer support (#17519) (fd8e0e3), closes #15123 / #10534
- apigatewayv2: Lambda authorizer for WebSocket API (#16886) (67cce37), closes #13869
- glue: support partition index on tables (#17998) (c071367), closes #17589
- iot: Action to send messages to SQS queues (#18087) (37537fe), closes #17699
- iot: add Action to set a CloudWatch alarm (#18021) (de2369c), closes #17705
- lambda-python: support for providing a custom bundling docker image (#18082) (c3c4a97), closes #10298 #12949 #15391 #16234 #15306
- msk: add Kafka versions 2.6.3, 2.7.1 and 2.7.2 (#18191) (8832df1)
- amplify: deploy asset Custom Resource points to TS file (#18166) (a1508af)
- appsync:
property ofCachingConfig
is not required (#17981) (73e5fec) - lambda-python: runtime is now required (#18143) (98f1bb1), closes #10248
2.3.0-alpha.0 (2021-12-22)
2.2.0-alpha.0 (2021-12-15)
- glue: the grantRead API previously included 'glue:BatchDeletePartition', and now it does not.
- iotevents: add IoT Events input L2 Construct (#17847) (9f03dc4), closes /
- appsync: empty caching config is created when not provided (#17947) (3a9f206)
- glue: remove
permissions (#17941) (3d64f9b), closes #17935 #15116
2.1.0-alpha.0 (2021-12-08)
- apigatewayv2-authorizers: The default value for the prop
has changed. - apigatewayv2-authorizers:
now takes the construct id and the target jwt issuer as part of its constructor. - apigatewayv2-authorizers:
now takes the construct id and the target lambda function handler as part of its constructor. - apigatewayv2-authorizers: The default value for the prop
has changed. - apigatewayv2: The
classes require an "id" parameter to be provided during its initialization. - apigatewayv2-integrations: The
is now renamed toWebSocketLambdaIntegration
. The new class accepts the handler to the target lambda function directly in its constructor. - apigatewayv2-integrations:
are now renamed toHttpUrlIntegration
respectively. The new class accepts the target url directly in its constructor. - apigatewayv2-integrations:
are now renamed toHttpLambdaIntegration
respectively. The new class accepts the lambda function handler directly in its constructor. - apigatewayv2-integrations:
now accepts the ELB listener directly in its constructor. - apigatewayv2-integrations:
now accepts the ELB listener directly in its constructor. - apigatewayv2-integrations:
now accepts the service discovery Service directly in its constructor. - apigatewayv2-authorizers:
is now renamed toHttpUserPoolAuthorizerProps
. - apigatewayv2: The interface
is replaced by the abstract classHttpRouteIntegration
. - apigatewayv2: The interface
is now replaced by the abstract classWebSocketRouteIntegration
. - apigatewayv2: Previously, we allowed the usage of integration
classes to be used with routes defined in multiple
instances (orWebSocketApi
instances). This is now disallowed, and separate instances must be created for each instance ofHttpApi
- iot: add Action to capture CloudWatch metrics (#17503) (ec4187c), closes /
- neptune: add engine version and instance types t4g, r6g (#17669) (83e669d)
- servicecatalog: Add TagOptions to a CloudformationProduct (#17672) (2d19e15)
- apigatewayv2: integration class does not render an integration resource (#17729) (3b5b97a), closes #13213
- apprunner: startCommand and environment are ignored in imageConfiguration (#16939) (d911c58), closes #16812
- appsync: add caching config to AppSync resolvers (#17815) (52b535b)
- appsync: remove 'id' suffix to union definition key (#17787) (86e7780), closes #17771
- assert: support multiline strings with
(#17692) (37596e6)
- apigatewayv2: integration api re-organization (#17752) (29039e8)
- apigatewayv2-authorizers: re-organize authorizer api (#17772) (719f33e)
2.0.0-alpha.11 (2021-12-02)
2.0.0-alpha.10 (2021-11-26)
2.0.0-alpha.9 (2021-11-25)
2.0.0-alpha.8 (2021-11-23)
- apigatewayv2: domain endpoint type, security policy and endpoint migration (#17518) (261b331)
- apigatewayv2: http api - mTLS support (#17284) (54be156), closes #12559
- apigatewayv2: websocket api: grant manage connections (#16872) (10dfa60), closes #14828
- iot: add Action to put objects in S3 Buckets (#17307) (49b87db), closes /
- iot: add Action to put records to a Firehose stream (#17466) (7cb5f2c), closes /
- msk: add Kafka version 2.6.2 (#17497) (5f1f476)
- redshift: Add support for distStyle, distKey, sortStyle and sortKey to Table (#17135) (a137cd1), closes #17125
- servicecatalog: support local launch role name in launch role constraint (#17371) (b307b69)
- iot: unable to add the same lambda function to two TopicRule Actions (#17521) (eda1640), closes #17508
- redshift: tableNameSuffix evaluation (#17213) (f7c3217), closes #17064
2.0.0-alpha.7 (2021-11-17)
2.0.0-alpha.6 (2021-11-10)
2.0.0-alpha.5 (2021-11-09)
- apigatewayv2-authorizers:
property inUserPoolAuthorizerProps
is now renamed touserPoolClients
- apigatewayv2-authorizers: http api - allow multiple user pool clients per HttpUserPoolAuthorizer (#16903) (747eb7c), closes #15431
- iot: allow setting
of TopicRule (#17225) (a9aae09), closes / - iot: allow setting
of TopicRule (#17287) (e412308), closes / - iot: allow setting Actions of TopicRule (#17110) (0cabb9f), closes #16681 /
- iot-actions: Add the action to put CloudWatch Logs (#17228) (a7c869e), closes /
- servicecatalog: allow creating a CFN Product Version with CDK code (#17144) (f8d0ef5)
- synthetics: add static cron method to schedule class (#17250) (1ab9b26), closes #16402
2.0.0-alpha.4 (2021-10-27)
- amplify: Add support for custom headers in the App (#17102) (9f3abd7), closes #17084
- synthetics: add syn-nodejs-puppeteer-3.3 runtime (#17132) (8343bec)
2.0.0-alpha.3 (2021-10-25)
- iot: create new aws-iot-actions module (#17112) (06838e6), closes #16681 /
2.0.0-alpha.2 (2021-10-22)
- apigatewayv2-integrations: http api - support for request parameter mapping (#15630) (0452aed)
- iot: add the TopicRule L2 construct (#16681) (86f85ce), closes #16602
- msk: add Kafka version 2.8.1 (#16881) (7db5c8c)
2.0.0-alpha.1 (2021-10-13)
- assertions: Starting this release, the
module will be published to Maven with the name 'assertions' instead of 'cdk-assertions'. - assertions:
, and its type changes fromstring
. - assertions: The
API previously performed an exact match. The default behavior has been updated to be "object-like". - assertions: the
API previously returned a list of resources, but now returns a map of logical id to resource. - assertions: the
API previously returned a list of outputs, but now returns a map of logical id to output. - assertions: the
API previously returned a list of mappings, but now returns a map of logical id to mapping.
- appsync: Lambda Authorizer for AppSync GraphqlApi (#16743) (bdbe8b6), closes #16380
- assertions: capture matching value (#16426) (cc74f92)
- assertions: findXxx() APIs now includes the logical id as part of its result (#16454) (532a72b)
- assertions: match into serialized json (#16456) (fed30fc)
- assertions: matcher support for
API (#16789) (0fb2179) - aws-apprunner: support the Service L2 construct (#15810) (3cea941), closes #14813
- batch: fargate support for jobs (#15848) (066bcb1), closes #13591 #13590 #13591
- glue: Job construct (#12506) (fc74110), closes #12443
- neptune: add engine version (#16394) (deaac4a), closes #16388
- redshift: manage database users and tables via cdk (#15931) (a9d5118), closes #9815
- apigatewayv2: ApiMapping does not depend on DomainName (#16201) (1e247d8), closes #15464
- assertions:
is incompatible withMatch.not
(#16678) (6f0a507), closes #16626 - aws-servicecatalog: Allow users to create multiple product versions from assets. (#16914) (958d755)
- route53resolver: FirewallDomainList throws with wildcard domains (#16538) (643e5ee), closes #16527