Tags: skydiator/escalator
Merge pull request atlassian#144 from skydiator/master atlassian#145: Ensure min_nodes and max_nodes are up to date with the cloud provider.
upgrade client-go to v10.0.0 (atlassian#141) * upgrade client-go to v10.0.0 and go version to 1.10+
escalator/60 - Added metrics histogram of how long new nodes take to … …register in kube from cloud provider resource instantiation. (atlassian#137)
fix node not belong to ASG issue when scaling down (atlassian#138) * error out the app when node not found inside expected ASG and move Fatal out of library into main * change errors library to be consistent everywhere * fix tests after updating errors library * update Gopkg dependencies * move node not in group error into cloudprovider and update error check logic for it inside controller * migrate more Fatal error processing into main function * address some comments
Add scale lock summary metric to observe lock durations & count (atla… …ssian#134) * escalator/60: - Added some Makefile wiring. - Added scale lock duration counter to experiment with prom vectors. - Plumbing the Node Group name to the State Lock; using this to tag lock duration metrics on unlock. - Scale lock `unlock()` noop if already unlocked, stamping node group name on scale lock from within controller. - Working on improving turnaround of the docker build. - Changed lock duration metric to summary type and storing value as seconds. * escalator/60: - `node_group_scale_lock` metric now a gauge. Moved in to `scale_lock.go lock()/unlock()`. - `node_group_scale_lock_duration` metric now a historgram with fib seconds as buckets up to 55 then +Inf via default. * escalator/60: - Added metric `escalator_node_group_scale_lock_check_was_locked` to count how many time the lock was probed and found held/locked. * escalator/60: Added dependency recalculation and wired to dependency retrieval if sources have changed imports via Makefile. * escalator/60: Switched `node_group_scale_lock_duration` to a Summary vector for metrics. * escalator/60: Added new metrics docs. * escalator/60: Reverted scale lock duration metric type to a histogram with 60 second buckets from 1 … 30.
Merge pull request atlassian#128 from atlassian/fix-metrics-for-nonle… …ader Fixes atlassian#129
Merge pull request atlassian#123 from atlassian/aprice/k8s_tests k8s tests
add support for auto-discovering node group options from the cloud pr… …ovider (atlassian#124) This adds support for auto-discovering min_nodes and max_nodes from the cloud provider for each node group. The auto-discovering/setting of the values is only done on the initial start of Escalator. It can be enabled/disabled by setting both min_nodes and max_nodes to 0 or removing them from the node groups config.