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Local development

First, set up environment variables and secrets.

  1. Copy .env.template to .env and populate values. Make sure to use the instructions here to generate the ANON_KEY and SERVICE_ROLE_KEY.
  2. The search container's init script will create an application API key. Retrieve this value by using curl, then populate it for SEARCH_APPLICATION_API_KEY in .env.:
    curl -s -X GET "http://localhost:7700/keys" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${SEARCH_MASTER_API_KEY}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json"
  • Secrets are also stored in the database. You might encounter an issue with initializing them on a fresh start - try to run a search before you add an item.
  1. Set up a Posthog account and populate the environment variables NEXT_PUBLIC_POSTHOG_KEY and NEXT_PUBLIC_POSTHOG_HOST.

To start the local development environment:

  1. Run docker compose up -d to start containers in detached mode.
  2. Start file syncing with docker compose watch.
  3. Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view the application.

Chrome extension

To develop locally using the Chrome extension, first make sure that the API hostname is correctly set in src/chrome/background.js, src/chrome/content.js, and src/chrome/manifest.json.

  • For local development, this should be set to http://localhost:3000/*.
  • For production, this should be set to*.

The manifest should contain something like

    "content_scripts": [
            "matches": [
            "js": [

Next, install the extension in development mode. In Chrome, open chrome://extensions. Click on "Load unpacked" and select the src/chrome directory.

Finally, update NEXT_PUBLIC_CHROME_EXTENSION_ID in .env based on the Chrome extension ID in the chrome://extensions page.


To install the local eslint plugins, run

  1. cd src/web/eslint-local-rules
  2. npm run build

Supabase dashboard

With the development environment running, navigate to http://localhost:8000 to view the Supabase dashboard.

Use the DASHBOARD_USERNAME and DASHBOARD_PASSWORD environment variables to sign in.

Saved Markdown content can be viewed here in the Supabase Storage page.

Database shell

  1. Run docker exec -it db bash.
  2. Then, run psql -U postgres.

To clear the database, run

  1. docker compose down -v
  2. rm -r docker/volumes/db/data


  1. Set up Supabase app.
  2. Set up Vercel app.
  • Include the environment variables from the web service in docker-compose.yml.
  • For the POSTGRES_URL variable, use the "Transaction pooler" Supabase Postgres URL.
  • Also include SEARCH_MASTER_API_KEY (at least 16 bytes) and SEARCH_APPLICATION_API_KEY (a UUID v4).
  1. Copy the prod env variables locally with vercel env pull
  2. Run database migrations against the production database using DOTENV_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/ npm run db:migrate.
  3. Set up a Google Cloud project with Google Auth Platform configured for a web application. Copy in the generated client ID and client secret into Supabase's Google auth provider, then copy the Supabase auth callback URL into the "Authorized redirect URIs" field.
  4. Configure the "URL Configuration" site URL and redirect settings in Supabase Auth with the app URL.
  • Site URL should be $HOSTNAME/auth/callback?next=%2Fhome.
  • Redirect URLs should include $HOSTNAME/*.
  1. Configure the Supabase storage settings.
  • Create a bucket items. Set it to be public with the allowed MIME type text/markdown.
  • Create a new policy on the items bucket from scratch. Title it "Allow read access for everyone", allow the SELECT operation for all roles, and keep the default policy definition bucket_id = 'items'.
  • Create a new policy on the items bucket. Title it "Allow authenticated to upload", allow the INSERT and UPDATE operations for the authenticated role, and keep the default policy definition.
  1. Set up a Meilisearch instance on your cloud provider.
  • Use the dev environment: docker exec -it dev zsh.
  • Authenticate using gcloud auth application-default login.
  • Run terraform plan to verify the correct resources will be created, then run terraform apply.
  • Create an A (Address) DNS record for terraform output's gke.ip_address under the subdomain of SEARCH_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT_URL.
  • Set up cert-manager on the cluster using script/
  • Then run script/ [staging|prod] to deploy a persistent volume to store the search index.
  • Then run script/ [staging|prod] to deploy the search application.
  • It may take a while for the certificate to be issued. You can check the status of the gateway, certificate, and challenge resources as well as logs of the cert-manager pod to check progress.
  • Run /data/search/ [staging|prod] to initialize the search application.
  • Populate the SEARCH_APPLICATION_API_KEY after using the master API key to retrieve its value.


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