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129 lines (82 loc) · 6.36 KB

File metadata and controls

129 lines (82 loc) · 6.36 KB

⚡ 0.4.0 (unreleased)

  • use latest docker tag by default. This reduces some of the maintenance in publishing this plugin. Users are still able to pin versions as they always have.

⚡ 0.3.8

  • experimental dockerless mode! To enable local builds add the following to your serverless.yml file
+    dockerless: true

This comes with some new added expectations about your local environment. Please see the readme section on local builds for more information.

  • bump lambda-rust docker version to 0.2.7-rust-1.43.1
  • The docker image used to build artifacts is now configurable though the custom.rust.dockerImage serverless.yml config setting. The default remains softprops/lambda-rust #65
  • The docker cli is now configurable via SLS_DOCKER_CLI environment variable. The default is the first docker that resolves on your operating system's path. #61

⚡ 0.3.7

  • bump lambda-rust docker version to 0.2.6-rust-1.39.0 to gain rust 1.37.0, 1.38.0, and 1.39.0 features and dropping over 200 megabytes from previous docker images.
  • This plugin now respects your CARGO_HOME environment variable if set #46. This is useful when you for cases where where you do not have cache cargo artifacts in your ${HOME}/.cargo directory.

⚡ 0.3.6

⚡ 0.3.5

⚡ 0.3.4

  • fix a npx serverless invoke local for versions of serverless framework 1.40.* which now emits package events within invokeLocal events. #38
  • bump lambda-rust docker version to 0.2.1-rust-1.34.1 to gain new rust 1.34.1 features.
  • use os.homedir() instead of process.env['HOME'] for improved portability

⚡ 0.3.3

⚡ 0.3.2

  • ✨new support for invoking your lambdas locally.

This decreases the turn around time to validate a change before without having to deploy it first

$ npx serverless invoke local -f foo -d '{"yes":"we can"}'

You can still use this plugin with older versions of serverless but invoke local will only work with serverless@1.39.1 and above

⚡ 0.3.1

⚡ 0.3.0

  • bump lambda-rust docker version to 0.2.1-rust-1.32.0, fixing a bug where cargo binaries named bootstrap weren't getting packaged. Reminder: this plugin renames binaries to bootstrap for the lambda runtime for you. You don't have do to this manually in your Cargo configuration. This also introduces an efficiency in the way binaries are identified for packaging that may help some windows users.
  • bump serverless version to 1.37.1

⚡ 0.2.1

  • bump lambda-rust docker version to 0.2.0-rust-1.32.0, to make the new default Rust 1.32.0 (the latest release of Rust at this time)
  • bump serverless version to 1.36.3

⚡ 0.2.0

  • Switch from supporting the Lambda python3.6 runtime to a new ✨ rust runtime ✨ ( which runs on the provided runtime under the covers )
  • you can now deploy independent functions with npx serverless deploy function -f func-name
  • you no longer have to be explicit about function binary to include, this plugin generates and configures the artifact (zip) file for you
  • you no longer have to set default exclusion rules
  • you can deploy a rust runtime function side by side with other serverless runtime functions within the same service, to facilitate experimentation and learning.

⚡ 0.1.7

  • bump lambda-rust docker version to 0.1.0-rust-1.30.1, to make the new default Rust 1.30.1 (the latest release of Rust at this time)
  • bump serverless version to 1.33.2 ( the latest serverless release at this time)

⚡ 0.1.6

  • bump lambda-rust docker version to 0.1.0-rust-1.28.0, to make the new default Rust 1.28.0 (the latest release of Rust at this time)

⚡ 0.1.5

  • ensure only a unique set of artifacts are collected for cleanup
  • Allocate a docker pseudo-tty so that process signals are forwarded (Keyboard interrupts stop docker process)

⚡ 0.1.4

  • bump lambda-rust docker version to 0.1.0-rust-1.27.2, to make the new default Rust 1.27.2 (the latest release of Rust at this time)
  • speed up deployments by ~3.2 seconds by disabling excludeDevDependencies. it's on by default but it's not useful for for Rust focused services
  • the custom.rust config object can be overridden at the function level
      cargoFlags: "--features ..."
    handler: liblambda.handler
      - schedule: rate(5 minutes)

⚡ 0.1.3

  • bump lambda rust docker version to 0.1.0-rust-1.27.0

⚡ 0.1.2

  • bump lambda rust docker version to 0.1.0-rust-1.26.2
  • use a polyfill for fs.copyFileSync to accommodate older versions of node on travis ci

⚡ 0.1.1

  • fix exporting plugin

⚡ 0.1.0

  • initial release