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zeit-now-next-typescript-graphql-apollo Public templateForked from paulogdm/zeit-now-next-apollo-typescript-example
An Apollo Server & Client in a Next.js in a yarn Workspace deployed with Now 2.0
next-typescript-storybook Public templateMinimalistic NextJS in TypeScript with Storybook
JavaScript 5
next-passport-oauth-google-email-nedb Public templateJavaScript 4
node-hapi-clean-architecture Public templateA simple API built with Hapi.js that follows Clean Architecture principles
JavaScript 4
- cra-ts-maven-war-starter Public template
An example of building a war of create-react-app in TypeScript on Maven
- spring-boot-postgres-testcontainers-archunit-restful-swagger-restassured-selenium-hexagonal-todo Public template
Spring Boot with PostgresSQL, Flyway, Testcontainers, REST Assured and Selenium Restful ToDo application starter
- lerna-react-ts-storybook-storyshot-starter Public template
Starter for React UI library in TypeScript with Storybook and Snapshot Testing in Lerna monorepo with IE 11 support
- cra-ts-uilib-storybook-storyshots-lerna Public template
Minimalistic create-react-app in TypeScript based on UI lib with Storybook and Storyshots in Lerna monorepo
- node-hapi-clean-architecture Public template
A simple API built with Hapi.js that follows Clean Architecture principles
- ca-react-rest-monorepo Public template
Client application starter on the Clean Architecture in monorepo
- node-cli-commander-ts-jest-starter Public template
Node CLI starter on TypeScript which is testing by Jest