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225 lines (199 loc) · 6.89 KB


A react-native module for viewing and connecting to Wifi networks on Android devices.

example app


Add it to your android project

npm install react-native-android-wifi --save

Install the native dependencies

Use react-native link to install native dependencies automatically:

react-native link react-native-android-wifi

or do it manually as described here.

Example usage

import wifi from 'react-native-android-wifi';

Permissions: Starting with Android API 25, apps must be granted the ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION (or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) permission in order to obtain results.

try {
      const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.request(
          'title': 'Wifi networks',
          'message': 'We need your permission in order to find wifi networks'
      if (granted === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED) {
        console.log("Thank you for your permission! :)");
      } else {
        console.log("You will not able to retrieve wifi available networks list");
    } catch (err) {

Wifi connectivity status:

wifi.isEnabled((isEnabled) => {
  if (isEnabled) {
    console.log("wifi service enabled");
  } else {
    console.log("wifi service is disabled");

Enable/Disable wifi service:

//Set TRUE to enable and FALSE to disable; 

Sign device into a specific network:

This method doesn't have a callback when connection succeeded, check this issue. Added support for 'WPA2 PSK' wifi security mode and handling SSID for Lollipop and Kitkat. Added connection succeeded callback. Returns json value with the keys [status(bool), statusCode(explained below), result(String)];

//found returns true if ssid is in the range
wifi.findAndConnect(ssid, password, (connection) => {
    case 0000:
      //if anything occurs i didnt foreseen, you will get this. but i didt not get this ever.
      //connection.result: "connection result unknown"
      //connection.status: false
    case 1000:
      //Connection Succeeded (even if there's no internet on wifi, you'll get this. but you'll be connected that wifi after all)
      //connection.result: "Connection Succeeded"
      //connection.status: true
    case 1001:
      //Existing wifi configuration associated with the SSID that you're trying to connect, could not removed before connection attempt.
      //connection.status: false
    case 1002:
      //New network configuration could not be set which requires for connection attempt
      //connection.status: false
    case 1003:
      //Current network can not be disconnected before connection attempt
      //connection.status: false
    case 1004:
      //network could not enabled before connection attempt
      //connection.status: false
    case 1005:
      //Password incorrect
      //connection.status: false
      /* I did not find more efficient way to get this around so i checked connected SSID after 3000ms after the connection attempt to see if current SSID equals with the SSID that we're trying to connect. if its "0x", you've connected with nothing. so we can say that your password incorrect or something else prevents you to connect this network that i did not foreseen. if connection attempt unsuccessful, we remove that configuration so you wont deal with it again in case of wrong password entered. */

Disconnect from current wifi network


Get current SSID

wifi.getSSID((ssid) => {

Get current BSSID

wifi.getBSSID((bssid) => {

Get all wifi networks in range

wifiStringList is a stringified JSONArray with the following fields for each scanned wifi
  "SSID": "The network name",
  "BSSID": "The address of the access point",
  "capabilities": "Describes the authentication, key management, and encryption schemes supported by the access point"
  "frequency":"The primary 20 MHz frequency (in MHz) of the channel over which the client is communicating with the access point",
  "level":"The detected signal level in dBm, also known as the RSSI. (Remember its a negative value)",
  "timestamp":"Timestamp in microseconds (since boot) when this result was last seen"
wifi.loadWifiList((wifiStringList) => {
  var wifiArray = JSON.parse(wifiStringList);
  (error) => {

connectionStatus returns true or false depending on whether device is connected to wifi

wifi.connectionStatus((isConnected) => {
  if (isConnected) {
      console.log("is connected");
    } else {
      console.log("is not connected");

Get connected wifi signal strength

//level is the detected signal level in dBm, also known as the RSSI. (Remember its a negative value)
wifi.getCurrentSignalStrength((level) => {

Get connected wifi frequency

wifi.getFrequency((frequency) => {

Get current IP

//get the current network connection IP
wifi.getIP((ip) => {

Get DHCP Server Adress

//get the DHCP server IP
wifi.getDhcpServerAddress((ip) => {

Remove/Forget the Wifi network from mobile by SSID, returns boolean This method will remove the wifi network as per the passed SSID from the device list.

wifi.isRemoveWifiNetwork(ssid, (isRemoved) => {
  console.log("Forgetting the wifi device - " + ssid);

Starts native Android wifi network scanning and returns list Hard refresh the Android wifi scan, implemented using BroadcastReceiver to ensure that it automatically detects new wifi connections available.

wifi.reScanAndLoadWifiList((wifiStringList) => {
  var wifiArray = JSON.parse(wifiStringList);
  console.log('Detected wifi networks - ',wifiArray);

Method to force wifi usage. Android by default sends all requests via mobile data if the connected wifi has no internet connection.

//Set true/false to enable/disable forceWifiUsage.
//Is important to enable only when communicating with the device via wifi
//and remember to disable it when disconnecting from device.

Add a hidden wifi network and connect to it

//Callback returns true if network added and tried to connect to it successfully
//It may take up to 15s to connect to hidden networks
wifi.connectToHiddenNetwork(ssid, password, (networkAdded) => {});