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SMIBHID is the So Make It Bot Human Interface Device and definitely not a mispronunciation of any insults from a popular 90s documentary detailing the activites of the Jupiter Mining Core.

This device run on a Raspberry Pi Pico W and provides physical input and output to humans for the SMIB project; Buttons, LEDs, that sort of thing.

Space_open and space_closed LEDs show current state as set on the S.M.I.B. slack server. If the space_state is set to None on the server i.e. no state has been specifically set, then both LEDs will be off.

Press the space_open or space_closed buttons to call the smib server endpoint appropriately. The target state LED will flash to show it's attempting to communicate and confirm successful state update to provide feedback to the user. In normal operation the request should complete and update the LED in a couple of seconds.


  • Space open and closed buttons with LED feedback that calls the S.M.I.B. space_open/space_closed endpoint
  • Press the open button multiple times to set the number of hours the space will be open for
  • LED flashes while trying to set state so you know it's trying to do something
  • Confirms the space state after change by calling space_state
  • Regularly polls for space state (polling period configurable in and updates the SMIBHID status appropriately to sync with other space state controls
  • Flashes both space state LEDs at 2Hz if space state cannot be determined
  • 2x16 character LCD display support
  • Error information shown on connected displays where configured in modules using ErrorHandler class
  • UI Logger captures timestamps of button presses and uploads to SMIB for logging and review of usage patterns
  • Space open relay pin optionally sets a GPIO to high or low when the space is open
  • Config file checker against config template - useful for upgrades missing config of new features
  • Over the air firmware updates - Web based management and display output on status
  • Web server for admin functions (Check info log messages or DHCP server for IP and default port is 80)
    • Home page with list of available functions
    • API page that details API endpoints available and their usage
    • Update page for performing over the air firmware updates and remote reset to apply them
  • Pinger watchdog - Optionally ping an IP address and toggle a GPIO pin on ping failure. Useful for network device monitoring and reset.

Circuit diagram

Pico W Connections

Circuit diagram

Pico W pinout

Pico W pinout

Example breadboard build

Breadboard photo

Example prototype build


Below is a list of hardware ad links for my specific build:


Copy the files from the smibhib folder into the root of a Pico W running Micropython (minimum Pico W Micropython firmware v1.22.2 and update values in as necessary


  • Ensure the pins for the space open/closed LEDs and buttons are correctly specified for your wiring
  • Configure I2C pins for the display if using, display will detect automatically or disable if not found
  • Populate Wifi SSID and password
  • Configure the webserver hostname/IP and port as per your smib.webserver configuration
  • Set the space state poll frequency in seconds (>= 5), set to 0 to disable the state poll
  • Configure the space open relay pin if required or else set to None, also choose if space open sets pin high or low
  • Configure the pinger watchdog and associated pin (example relay with transistor for coil current provided in circuit diagram)

If you miss any configuration options, a default will be applied, an error output in the log detailing the configuration item missed including the default value configured and if connected, an error displayed on displays.

Onboard status LED

The LED on the Pico W board is used to give feedback around network connectivity if you are not able to connect to the terminal output for logs.

  • 1 flash at 2 Hz: successful connection
  • 2 flashes at 2 Hz: failed connection
  • Constant 4Hz flash: in backoff period before retrying connection
  • No LED output: normal operation


SMIB uses a class abstracted approach running an async loop using the built in asyncio library, a static copy of the uaiohttpclient for making async requests and my custom logging module.


Log level

Set the LOG_LEVEL value in for global log level output configuration where: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Critical, 2 = Error, 3 = Warning, 4 = Info

Example: LOG_LEVEL = 2

Log Handlers

Populate the LOG_HANDLERS list in with zero or more of the following log output handlers (case sensitive): "Console", "File"

Example: LOG_HANDLERS = ["Console", "File"]

Log file max size

Set the LOG_FILE_MAX_SIZE value in to set the maximum size of the log file in bytes before rotating. The log rotater will create a maximum of 2 files at this size, so configure appropiately for anticpated flash free space.

Example: LOG_FILE_MAX_SIZE = 10240

Error handling

Create a new instance of the ErrorHandling class in a module to register a list of possible errors for that module and enabled or disable them for display on connected screens using class methods. See the space state module for an example of implementation.

Adding functionality

Refer to the S.M.I.B. contribution guidelines for more info on contributing.

Use existing space state buttons, lights, slack API wrapper and watchers as an example for how to implement:

  • Create or use an existing (such as button) appropriate module and class with coroutine to watch for input or other appropriate event
  • In the HID class
    • Instantiate the object instance, passing an asyncio event to the watcher and add the watcher coroutine to the loop
    • Configure another coroutine to watch for the event and take appropriate action on event firing
    • Add new API endpoint methods as needed as the API is upgraded to support them
  • Display drivers can be added by creating a new display driver module
    • Ensure the driver registers itself with the driver registry, use LCD1602 as an example
    • Import the new driver module in
    • Update the file to include the option for your new driver
  • UIState machine
    • A state machine exists and can be extended by various modules such as space_state to manage the state of the buttons and display output
    • The current state instance is held in hid.ui_state_instance
    • Enter a new UI state by calling the transition_to() method on a UIstate instance and pass any arguments needed by that state
    • You will need to pass any core objects needed by the base UIState class and apply using super() as normal. These are currently HID (for managing the current state instance) and SpaceState so that the open and close buttons are available in all UIs with default space open/closed behaviour.

Config template update

If you add a new feature that has configuration options, ensure you set the constant and default value in the file as well as in the file to allow automated checking of config files to catch upgrade error and misconfigurations.

Web server

The admin web interface is hosted by a customised version of tinyweb server which is a flask like implementation of a asyncio web server in MicroPython. The website configuration and API definition is built out from the module and all HTML/CSS/JS etc lives in the www subfolder.

OTA firmware updates

  • Load the admin web page and navigate to /update
  • Add files to update
    • Enter a URL to download the raw python file that will be moved into the lib folder overwriting any existing files with that name (Best approach is reference the raw file version on a github branch)
    • Press "Add"
    • Repeat above as needed until all files are staged
    • Select a file and press "Remove" to remove a URL if not needed or to correct an error and re-add the URL
    • When all files are staged ready to update, press "Restart" to reboot SMIBHID
    • Display will show update status and result before restarting into normal mode with the new firmware

If any files are staged (.updating file exists in updates folder on the device) SMIBHID will reboot into update mode, download, copy over, then clear out the staging directory and restart again.

If errors are encountered such as no wifi on the update process, the staging file is deleted and SMIBHID will reboot back into normal mode.

UI State diagram

The space state UI state machine is described in this diagram:

Space state UI state machine diagram


Ensure that the HID class version attribute is updated to match the version in pyproject.toml


This version needs to match the release when it goes into the master branch.