This repository contains instructions to set up my Fedora Workstation for developing backend/ system software.
The first thing you should do is go to gnome-software app, add third party repos and update the system to latest's
Next, install common development/software tools:
-- can install from gnome software
chrome browser \
gnome-tweaks \
extension-manager \
vlc \
Check for firmware updates:
gnome-software should update firmware
If using Nvidia: RPM Fusion Nvidia How To
Improve multimedia: RPM Fusion Multimedia how to
Fonts > Hinting > Set to "Full"
Fonts > Antialiasing > Set to "Subpixel (for LCD screens)"
Add this line to your ~/.bashrc file to get a 'fatter' look to your fonts:
export FREETYPE_PROPERTIES="truetype:interpreter-version=35 autofitter:no-stem-darkening=0 cff:no-stem-darkining=0"
Fedora Workstation defaults are: "Slight" for Hinting and "Standard" for Antialiasing, in case you want to switch back.
- Install better_fonts hyperreal/better_fonts.
- Set all non monospace font options not monospace to inter, inter can be installed from gnome tweaks.
- Set monospace font to JetBrainsMono.
wget -P ~/.local/share/fonts \
&& cd ~/.local/share/fonts \
&& unzip \
&& rm \
&& fc-cache -fv
- Disable gnome alert sound in settings -> sound.
Install these extensions using extenison manager:
AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support \
Blur my Shell \
Clipboard Indicator \
Extension List \
Just Perfection \
Hide top bar \
User themes \
Pop Shell -
Install using this commands:
sudo dnf install -y --setopt=exclude=gnome-shell-extension-pop-shell-shortcut-overrides gnome-shell-extension-pop-shell
Extensions configs:
User themes:
./ -l -c dark -t blue -N mojave -HD --right --darker --round --shell -i fedora
sudo flatpak override --filesystem=xdg-config/gtk-4.0
sudo ./ -g -c Dark -i apple
From docs install gdm theme
[WhiteSur icon theme]( - install alt version
[WhiteSur Wallpapers](
Use gnome tweaks to set themes correctly
Clipboard Indicator:
Use ctrl + shift + v to open clipboard panel in settings.
Just Perfection:
Visibility - Search, Off Behaviour - Always show Workspace Switcher, On Customize - Animation, Fast; Dash icon size = 48 on pc and 40 on laptop
Enable all extensions with extension list
Setup -
Replace .config.yml in repo with macos-remap/config.yml in this repo.