Rqueue is an asynchronous task executor(worker) built for spring and spring-boot framework based on the spring framework's messaging library backed by Redis. It can be used as message broker as well, where all services code is in Spring.
- Instant delivery : Instant execute this message in the background
- Message scheduling : A message can be scheduled for any arbitrary period
- Unique message : Unique message processing for a queue based on the message id
- Periodic message : Process same message at certain interval
- Priority tasks : task having some special priority like high, low, medium
- Message delivery : It's guaranteed that a message is consumed at least once. (Message would be consumed by a worker more than once due to the failure in the underlying worker/restart-process etc, otherwise exactly one delivery)
- Message retry : Message would be retried automatically on application crash/failure/restart etc.
- Automatic message serialization and deserialization
- Message Multicasting : Call multiple message listeners on every message
- Batch Message Polling : Fetch multiple messages from Redis at once
- Metrics : In flight messages, waiting for consumption and scheduled messages
- Competing Consumers : multiple messages can be consumed in parallel by different workers/listeners.
- Concurrency : Concurrency of any listener can be configured
- Queue Priority :
- Group level queue priority(weighted and strict)
- Sub queue priority(weighted and strict)
- Long execution job : Long running jobs can check in periodically.
- Execution Backoff : Exponential and fixed back off (default fixed back off)
- Middleware : Add one or more middleware, middlewares are called before listener method.
- Callbacks : Callbacks for dead letter queue, discard etc
- Events : 1. Bootstrap event 2. Task execution event.
- Redis connection : A different redis setup can be used for Rqueue
- Redis cluster : Redis cluster can be used with Lettuce client.
- Redis Sentinel : Redis sentinel can be used with Rqueue.
- Reactive Programming : Supports reactive Redis and spring webflux
- Web Dashboard : Web dashboard to manage a queue and queue insights including latency
- Spring 5+, 6+
- Java 1.8+,17
- Spring boot 2+,3+
- Lettuce client for Redis cluster
- Read master preference for Redis cluster
Version: https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/com/github/sonus21/
Release Version: Maven central
- For spring boot 2.x use Rqueue 2.x
- For spring boot 3.x use Rqueue 3.x
Get the latest one from Maven central
Add dependency
- Gradle
implementation 'com.github.sonus21:rqueue-spring-boot-starter:2.13.1-RELEASE'
- Maven
<dependency> <groupId>com.github.sonus21</groupId> <artifactId>rqueue-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> <version>2.13.1-RELEASE</version> </dependency>
No additional configurations are required, only dependency is required.
- Gradle
- For spring framework 5.x use rqueue-spring 2.x
- For spring framework 6.x use rqueue-spring 3.x
Get the latest one from Maven central
- Add Dependency
- Gradle
implementation 'com.github.sonus21:rqueue-spring:2.13.1-RELEASE'
- Maven
<dependency> <groupId>com.github.sonus21</groupId> <artifactId>rqueue-spring</artifactId> <version>2.13.1-RELEASE</version> </dependency>
- Gradle
- Add annotation
on application config class - Provide a RedisConnectionFactory bean
public class Application {
public RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory() {
// return a redis connection factory
All messages need to be sent using RqueueMessageEnqueuer
bean's enqueueXXX
, enqueueInXXX
and enqueueAtXXX
methods. It has handful number of enqueue
, enqueueIn
, enqueueAt
methods, we
can use any one of them based on the use case.
public class MessageService {
private RqueueMessageEnqueuer rqueueMessageEnqueuer;
public void doSomething() {
rqueueMessageEnqueuer.enqueue("simple-queue", "Rqueue is configured");
public void createJOB(Job job) {
rqueueMessageEnqueuer.enqueue("job-queue", job);
// send notification in 30 seconds
public void sendNotification(Notification notification) {
rqueueMessageEnqueuer.enqueueIn("notification-queue", notification, 30 * 1000L);
// enqueue At example
public void createInvoice(Invoice invoice, Instant instant) {
rqueueMessageEnqueuer.enqueueAt("invoice-queue", invoice, instant);
// enqueue with priority, when sub queues are used as explained in the queue priority section.
enum SmsPriority {
private String value;
public void sendSms(Sms sms, SmsPriority priority) {
rqueueMessageEnqueuer.enqueueWithPriority("sms-queue", priority.value(), sms);
// Index chat every 1 minute
public void sendPeriodicEmail(Email email) {
rqueueMessageEnqueuer.enqueuePeriodic("chat-indexer", chatIndexer, 60_000);
Any method that's part of spring bean, can be marked as worker/message listener
using RqueueListener
public class MessageListener {
@RqueueListener(value = "simple-queue")
public void simpleMessage(String message) {
log.info("simple-queue: {}", message);
@RqueueListener(value = "job-queue", numRetries = "3",
deadLetterQueue = "failed-job-queue", concurrency = "5-10")
public void onMessage(Job job) {
log.info("Job alert: {}", job);
@RqueueListener(value = "push-notification-queue", numRetries = "3",
deadLetterQueue = "failed-notification-queue")
public void onMessage(Notification notification) {
log.info("Push notification: {}", notification);
@RqueueListener(value = "sms", priority = "critical=10,high=8,medium=4,low=1")
public void onMessage(Sms sms) {
log.info("Sms : {}", sms);
@RqueueListener(value = "chat-indexing", priority = "20", priorityGroup = "chat")
public void onMessage(ChatIndexing chatIndexing) {
log.info("ChatIndexing message: {}", chatIndexing);
@RqueueListener(value = "chat-indexing-daily", priority = "10", priorityGroup = "chat")
public void onMessage(ChatIndexing chatIndexing) {
log.info("ChatIndexing message: {}", chatIndexing);
// checkin job example
@RqueueListener(value = "chat-indexing-weekly", priority = "5", priorityGroup = "chat")
public void onMessage(ChatIndexing chatIndexing,
@Header(RqueueMessageHeaders.JOB) com.github.sonus21.rqueue.core.Job job) {
log.info("ChatIndexing message: {}", chatIndexing);
job.checkIn("Chat indexing...");
Link: http://localhost:8080/rqueue
Micrometer based dashboard for queue
Rqueue is stable and production ready, it's processing 100K+ messages daily in production environment. Some of the Rqueue Users

We would love to add your organization name here, if you're one of the Rqueue users, please raise a PR/issue .
- Please report bug,question,feature(s) to issue tracker.
- Ask question on StackOverflow using #rqueue tag
You are most welcome for any pull requests for any feature/bug/enhancement. You would need Java8 and
gradle to start with. In root build.gradle
file comment out spring related versions, or set
environment variables for Spring versions. You can use module, class and other diagrams
to familiarise yourself with the project.
Please format your code with Google Java formatter.
Documentation: https://sonus21.github.io/rqueue
Issue tracker: https://github.com/sonus21/rqueue/issues
Maven Central:
StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/tags/rqueue
Discord: https://discord.gg/2hgQZXS2
Project Progress: https://github.com/sonus21/rqueue/projects/3
© Sonu Kumar 2019-Instant.now
The Rqueue is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.