- 💬 Mentor
- 🌱 Business Developer
- 👯 IT Business Partner
- ⚡ Distributed Systems Expert
- 🔭 Practical Software Architect
- ✨ Seasoned Chief Engineer and (occasionally) Software Developer
- I am an apologist of a real AI and SONs, distributed systems and crypto and of course I am always open to new challenges where my empirical experience and the years of practice are applicable and efficient
- I have no YouTube/Facebook/Instagram/... or any other hyped and enterprise oriented media stuff, instead I prefer open platforms and real-life activities
- I may periodically conduct closed consultative sessions and seminars on topics that are impressing me
- I am always ready to learn something new, do academic studies, and have a thought that learning is a continuous process and an inalienable part of our life
- I believe that our personal time is our most expensive treasure, is a most valuable asset we have, and at the same time it is a precious and non-renewable to waste it on nonsense
📫 How to reach me out:
- follow me on LinkedIn, or in case you wanna contact me directly - try to write me PM/InMail there
- subscribe to me on Substack (subject to change due to migration to nostr)
- find me in Nostr:
Everything else is unreliable, slow and has a low priority for me.
- Public gists
- Public contributions