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The package provides additional tasks for deployer ( for synchronizing databases between instances. Most useful are tasks:

  1. task "db:pull [source-instance]" task which allows you to pull database from remote instance to local instance,
  2. task "db:push [target-instance]" task which allows you to push database from local to remote instance,
  1. task "db:copy [source-instance] --options=target:[target-instance]" which allows to copy database between remote instances.
  1. Install package with composer:

    composer require sourcebroker/deployer-extended-database
  2. Put following lines in your deploy.php:

    require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
    new \SourceBroker\DeployerLoader\Load([
        ['path' => 'vendor/sourcebroker/deployer-instance/deployer'],
        ['path' => 'vendor/sourcebroker/deployer-extended-database/deployer'],
  1. Create ".env" file in your project root (where you store deploy.php file). The .env file should be out of git because you need to store here information about instance name. Additionally put there info about database you want to synchronise. You can move the info about database data to other file later but for the tests its better to put it in .env file. Remember to protect .env file from downloading with https request (if the root folder is readable from WWW server level).


    The INSTANCE must correspond to host() name. You need to put the .env file with proper INSTANCE name and database access data on on each of you instances.

  2. Define "local" localhost and set the "db_databases" for it. Use following code:

    (new \SourceBroker\DeployerExtendedDatabase\Driver\EnvDriver())->getDatabaseConfig()

    which will read database data from .env file.

        ->set('deploy_path', getcwd())
        ->set('bin/php', 'php')
        ->set('db_databases', [
            'database_default' => [
                (new \SourceBroker\DeployerExtendedDatabase\Driver\EnvDriver())->getDatabaseConfig()
  3. Add "db_databases" var for all other hosts. For example for live host it can be:

        ->set('bin/php', '/usr/bin/php82')
        ->set('deploy_path', '/var/www/myapplication/')
        ->set('db_databases', [
            'database_default' => [
                (new \SourceBroker\DeployerExtendedDatabase\Driver\EnvDriver())->getDatabaseConfig()
  4. Make sure all instances have the same /vendors folder with deployer-extended-database and the same deploy.php file. Most problems are because of differences in deploy.php file between instances.

  5. Run dep db:pull live to test if all works.

  • db_databases
    default value: null

    Databases to be synchronized. You can define more than one database to be synchronized. See db_databases for options available inside db_databases. Look for Examples for better understanding of structure.

  • db_storage_path_relative
    default value: .dep/database/dumps

    Path relative to "deploy_path" where you want to store database dumps produced during database synchro commands.

  • db_export_mysqldump_options_structure
    default value: --no-data=true --default-character-set=utf8mb4 --no-tablespaces

    Options mysqldump used for exporting the database structure.

  • db_export_mysqldump_options_data
    default value: --opt --skip-lock-tables --single-transaction --no-create-db --default-character-set=utf8mb4 --no-tablespaces

    Options mysqldump used for exporting the database data.

  • db_import_mysql_options_structure
    default value: --default-character-set=utf8mb4

    Options mysql used for importing the database structure.

  • db_import_mysql_options_data
    default value: --default-character-set=utf8mb4

    Options mysql used for importing the database data.

  • db_import_mysql_options_post_sql_in
    default value: --default-character-set=utf8mb4

    Options mysql used for importing the additional SQL from post_sql_in.

NOTE: watch that utf8mb4 is forced for all mysql/mysqldump operations.

"db_databases" is an array of "database configurations" and "database configuration" is array of configuration parts. Configuration part can be array or string. If its string then its treated as absolute path to file which should return array of configuration. Each or array configuration parts is merged. Look for Examples for better understanding.

  • host
    default value: null

    Database host.

  • user
    default value: null

    Database user.

  • password
    default value: null

    Database user password.

  • dbname
    default value: null

    Database name.

  • truncate_tables
    default value: null

    Array of tables names that will be truncated with task db:truncate. Usually it should be some caching tables that will be truncated while deployment. The value is put between ^ and $ and treated as preg_match. For example you can write "cf_.*" to truncate all tables that starts with "cf_". The final preg_match checked is /^cf_.*$/i

  • ignore_tables_out
    default value: null

    Array of tables names that will be ignored while pulling database from target instance with task db:pull The value is put between ^ and $ and treated as preg_match. For example you can write "cf_.*" to truncate all tables that starts with "cf_". The final preg_match checked is /^cf_.*$/i

  • post_sql_in
    default value: null

    SQL that will be executed after importing database on local instance.

  • post_sql_in_markers
    default value: null

    SQL that will be executed after importing database on local instance. The diffrence over "post_sql_in" is that you can use some predefined markers. For now only marker is {{domainsSeparatedByComma}} which consist of all domains defined in ->set('public_urls', ['']); and separated by comma. Having such marker allows to change active domain in database after import to other instance as some frameworks keeps domain names in database.

Below examples should illustrate how you should build your database configuration.

deploy.php file:

set('db_default', [
   'ignore_tables_out' => [

      ->set('bin/php', '/usr/bin/php82')
      ->set('deploy_path', '/var/www/myapplication')
           'database_foo' => [
               (new \SourceBroker\DeployerExtendedDatabase\Driver\EnvDriver())->getDatabaseConfig()

      ->set('deploy_path', getcwd())
      ->set('bin/php', 'php')
           'database_foo' => [
               (new \SourceBroker\DeployerExtendedDatabase\Driver\EnvDriver())->getDatabaseConfig()

Mind that because the db_* settings for all hosts will be the same then you can make the 'db_databases' setting global and put it out of host configurations. Look for below example where we simplified the config.

deploy.php file:

        'database_foo' => [
            'ignore_tables_out' => [
            (new \SourceBroker\DeployerExtendedDatabase\Driver\EnvDriver())->getDatabaseConfig()

    ->set('bin/php', '/usr/bin/php82')
    ->set('deploy_path', '/var/www/myapplication/');

   ->set('bin/php', 'php')
   ->set('deploy_path', getcwd());

The .env file should look then like:

INSTANCE="[instance name]"


deploy.php file:

         'database_application1' => [
            'ignore_tables_out' => [
         (new \SourceBroker\DeployerExtendedDatabase\Driver\EnvDriver())->getDatabaseConfig('APP1_')
         'database_application2' => [
            'ignore_tables_out' => [
         (new \SourceBroker\DeployerExtendedDatabase\Driver\EnvDriver())->getDatabaseConfig('APP2_')

    ->set('bin/php', '/usr/bin/php82')
    ->set('deploy_path', '/var/www/myapplication/');

   ->set('bin/php', 'php')
   ->set('deploy_path', getcwd());

The .env file should look then like:

INSTANCE="[instance name]"



In example we will use:

  1. array,

    'ignore_tables_out' => [
  2. get() which returns array with database options, get('db_default')

  3. direct file include which returns array with database options __DIR__ . '/.dep/database/config/additional_db_config.php

  4. class/method which returns array with database options (new \YourVendor\YourPackage\Driver\MyDriver())->getDatabaseConfig()

  5. closure which returns array with database options function() { return (new \YourVendor\YourPackage\Driver\MyDriver())->getDatabaseConfig() }

Each of this arrays are merged to build final configuration for database synchro.

deploy.php file:

set('db_default', [
   'post_sql_in' => 'UPDATE sys_domains SET hidden=1;'

        'database_foo' => [
                'ignore_tables_out' => [
            __DIR__ . '/databases/config/additional_db_config.php',
            (new \YourVendor\YourPackage\Driver\MyDriver())->getDatabaseConfig(),
            function() {
               return (new \YourVendor\YourPackage\Driver\MyDriver())->getDatabaseConfig();

    ->set('bin/php', '/usr/bin/php82')
    ->set('deploy_path', '/var/www/myapplication/');

   ->set('bin/php', 'php')
   ->set('deploy_path', getcwd());

Its advisable that you create you own special method that will return you framework database data. In below example its call to \YourVendor\YourPackage\Driver\MyDriver(). This way you do not need to repeat the data of database in .env file. In that case .env file should hold only INSTANCE.

           'database_default' => [
               (new \YourVendor\YourPackage\Driver\MyDriver())->getDatabaseConfig()

Real life example for CMS TYPO3:

set('db_default', [
    'truncate_tables' => [
    'ignore_tables_out' => [

Backup database. In background, on target instance, three tasks are executed db:export, db:compress and db:dumpclean. Results are stored in {{deploy_path}}/.dep/databases/dumps/.

If release folder will be detected on deploy_path (means we are in process of deploy) then it adds two tags to dump name: release and release_[number] like in example below: 2025-03-01_23-36-25#server=local#dbcode=database_default#dumpcode=e8cd33191dffe1642d3e9fb6bf99090f#tags=release+release_91#type=structure.sql.gz

You can add you own tags with --options=tags:tag1+tag2. Example: 2025-03-01_23-36-25#server=local#dbcode=database_default#dumpcode=e8cd33191dffe1642d3e9fb6bf99090f#tags=tag1+tag2#type=structure.sql.gz


dep db:backup local
dep db:backup live
dep db:backup live --options=dumpcode:mycode
dep db:backup live --options=dumpcode:mycode,tags:tag1+tag2

Compress dumps with given dumpcode stored in folder {{deploy_path}}/.dep/databases/dumps/"`` on target instance. There is required option --options=dumpcode:[value] to be passed.

Look for config vars db_compress_suffix, db_compress_command, db_uncompress_command for possible ways to overwrite standard gzip compression with your own.


dep db:compress live --options=dumpcode:0772a8d396911951022db5ea385535f6

This command allows you to copy database between instances.

dep db:copy [source-instance] --options=target:[target-instance]

In the background it runs several other tasks to accomplish this. Lets assume we want to copy database from live to dev instance. We will run following command on you local instance:

dep db:copy live --options=target:dev

Here are the tasks that will be run in background:

In below description:
  • source instance = live
  • target instance = dev
  • local instance = local
  1. First it runs dep db:export live --options=dumpcode:123456 task on source instance. The dumps from export task are stored in folder {{deploy_path}}/.dep/databases/dumps/ on target instance.
  2. Then it runs db:download live --options=dumpcode:123456 on local instance to download dump files from live instance from folder {{deploy_path}}/.dep/databases/dumps/ to local instance to folder {{deploy_path}}/.dep/databases/dumps/. The dump at source instance is deleted at this point because already downloaded.
  3. Then it runs db:process local --options=dumpcode:123456 on local instance to make some operations directly on SQL dumps files.
  4. Then it runs db:upload dev --options=dumpcode:123456 on local instance. This task takes dump files with code:123456 and send it to dev instance and store it in folder {{deploy_path}}/.dep/databases/dumps/. The dump at local instance is deleted at this point because already uploaded to target instance.
  5. Then it make backup of target database before importing the dump.
  6. Finally it runs db:import dev --options=dumpcode:123456 on target instance. This task reads dumps with code:123456 from folder {{deploy_path}}/.dep/databases/dumps/ on dev instance and import it to database.
  7. At the very end it runs db:dumpclean to clean up old dumps on target instance.

Copy to instance defined in instance_live_name (default live) is special case. If you copy to highest instance then by default you will be asked twice if you really want to. You can disable asking by setting db_allow_copy_live_force to true. You can also forbid copy to live instance by setting db_allow_copy_live to false.

Decompress dumps with given dumpcode stored in folder {{deploy_path}}/.dep/databases/dumps/ on target instance. There is required option --options=dumpcode:[value] to be passed.

Look for config vars db_compress_suffix, db_compress_command, db_uncompress_command for possible ways to overwrite standard gzip compression with your own.


dep db:decompress live --options=dumpcode:0772a8d396911951022db5ea385535f6

Download database dumps with selected dumpcode from folder {{deploy_path}}/.dep/databases/dumps/ on target instance and store it in folder {{deploy_path}}/.dep/databases/dumps/ on local instance. There is required option --options=dumpcode:[value] to be passed.


dep db:download live --options=dumpcode:0772a8d396911951022db5ea385535f6

Clean database dump storage on target instance. By default it removes all dumps except last five but you can set your values and also change the values depending on instance.


set('db_dumpclean_keep', 10); // keep last 10 dumps for all instances

set('db_dumpclean_keep', [
   'live' => 10 // keep last 10 dumps for live instance dumps
   'dev' => 5   // keep last 5 dumps for dev instance dumps
   '*' => 2     // keep last 5 dumps for all other instances dumps

dep db:dumpclean live

Dump database to folder on local instance located by default in {{deploy_path}}/.dep/databases/dumps/. Dumps will be stored in two separate files. One with tables structure. The second with data only. There is required option --options=dumpcode:[value] to be passed.


Example task call:

dep db:export live --options=dumpcode:362d7ca0ff065f489c9b79d0a73720f5

Example output files located in folder {{deploy_path}}/.dep/databases/dumps/:


Import database dump files to target database(s). Files are taken from folder {{deploy_path}}/.dep/databases/dumps/ on target instance. There is required option --options=dumpcode:[value] to be passed.


dep db:import dev --options=dumpcode:0772a8d396911951022db5ea385535f66

This command will run some defined commands on pure sql file as its sometimes needed to remove or replace some strings directly on sql file before importing. There is required option --options=dumpcode:[value] to be passed.


dep db:process local --options=dumpcode:0772a8d396911951022db5ea385535f66

This command allows you to pull database from target instance to local instance. In the background it runs several other tasks to accomplish this.

Pull to instance defined in instance_live_name (default live) is special case. If you pull to highest instance then by default you will be asked twice if you really want to. You can disable asking by setting db_allow_pull_live_force to true. You can also forbid pull to live instance by setting db_allow_pull_live to false.

When option --options=fromLocalStorage is set the it does not export from remote host but use local files from {{deploy_path}}/.dep/databases/dumps/ folder. Useful to repeat import of database (for example to test upgrade process) without getting it again and again from remote host.


# export from live and import on current host
dep db:pull live

# import from database storage of current host
dep db:pull live --options=fromLocalStorage

This command allows you to push database from local instance to remote instance. In the background it runs several other tasks to accomplish this.

Here is the list of tasks that will be done when you execute "db:push":

  1. First it runs db:export task on local instance.
  2. Then it runs db:upload on local instance with remote as argument.
  3. Then it runs db:process on remote instance.
  4. Then it runs db:backup on remote instance to make backup before import.
  5. Then it runs db:import on remote instance.

Push to instance defined in instance_live_name (default live) is special case. If you push to highest instance then by default you will be asked twice if you really want to. You can disable asking by setting db_allow_push_live_force to true. You can also forbid push to live instance by setting db_allow_push_live to false.


dep db:push live

This command will remove all dumps with given dumpcode (compressed and uncompressed). There is required option --options=dumpcode:[value] to be passed.


dep db:rmdump live --options=dumpcode:0772a8d396911951022db5ea385535f66

This command allows you to truncate database tables defined in database config var "truncate_tables". No dumpcode is needed because it operates directly on database.

Example Truncate local instance databases tables.

dep db:truncate

Truncate live instance databases tables.

dep db:truncate live

Upload database dumps with selected dumpcode from folder {{deploy_path}}/.dep/databases/dumps/ on local instance and store it in folder {{deploy_path}}/.dep/databases/dumps/ on target instance. There is required option --options=dumpcode:[value] to be passed.


dep db:upload live --options=dumpcode:0772a8d396911951022db5ea385535f6



Deployer tasks to manage database synchronization between application instances.








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