Tags: spatie/laravel-support-bubble
Toggle 1.8.1's commit message
Toggle 1.8.0's commit message
Merge pull request #55 from marcogermani87/main
Added IT translation
Toggle 1.7.0's commit message
Merge pull request #49 from spatie/dependabot/github_actions/dependab…
Bump dependabot/fetch-metadata from 1.6.0 to 2.1.0
Toggle 1.6.0's commit message
Toggle 1.5.0's commit message
Merge pull request #43 from spatie/dependabot/github_actions/actions/…
Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4
Toggle 1.4.0's commit message
Merge pull request #42 from sandervanhooft/sandervanhooft-patch-1
README.md update Tailwind config
Toggle 1.3.4's commit message
Improve formatting of notification
Toggle 1.3.3's commit message
Toggle 1.3.2's commit message
Merge pull request #32 from spatie/cleanup
Add Dependabot + support for PHP 8.2
Toggle 1.3.1's commit message
Merge pull request #27 from colinmackinlay/patch-1
Update support-bubble.blade.php
You can’t perform that action at this time.