This folder contains documentation that is critical for understanding the SPDX License List.
Included here is:
License fields - Explanation of the fields used on the SPDX License List
License inclusion principles for adding new licenses or exceptions to the SPDX License List
New License Workflow: the workflow for adding new licenses to the approved list
Matching Guidelines: the editable HTML* used on which contains the guidelines to determine what is a license match
Overview: the editable HTML* used on which provides an overview of information related to the SPDX License List. NOTE: the info on this page is in the process of being updated and moved to some of the pages here, mentioned on the top of this list
*The purpose of storing the HTML here is to enable review, comment, and tracking of changes made to these pages. Changes will be tracked here via issues, comments and PRs, and then posted to the appropriate webpage at by someone who has webpage edit privileges (i.e., member of core leadership team)