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Check for Dependabot Vulnerability Alerts

Integration Test Lint

This is a simple python action that uses the GitHub GraphQL API to check how many open Dependabot vulnerability alerts are present on a repository.

This can be used to block merges/deployments if there are any outstanding vulnerabilities that need to be resolved first.


  • GitHub personal access token that has permissions to view vulnerability alerts of a repo. A guide on how to create one can be found here
  • GitHub secret containing your access token.

Example workflow

name: ๐Ÿš€ Deploy to Prod
on: workflow_dispatch
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Deployment
      - name: Check Dependabot Alerts
        id: alerts
        uses: spicyparrot/check-dependabot@v1.2.0
          github_personal_token: ${{ secrets.ACTIONS_ACCESS_TOKEN }}  

      - name: Error Exit
        if: steps.alerts.outputs.total_alerts > 0
        run: echo "::error ::Open Vulnerability Alerts Found" && exit 1
      - name: Deploy
        run: |
          printf "No open vulnerabilities found. Running deployment now..."


Input Description
github_personal_token A GitHub Access token with access to vulnerability alerts


Output Description
total_alerts The total number of open alerts for your repository
critical_alerts Number of open critical alerts
high_alerts Number of open high alerts
moderate_alerts Number of open moderate alerts
low_alerts Number of open low alerts

GitHub Summary

Utilizing GitHub job summaries, a table with the breakdown of alerts is now visible as part of the action summary section:
