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Interdisciplinary Physics Team (InPhyT)
InPhyT is a student research group based at the Department of Physics of the University of Turin specialising in the applied mathematical and computational modelling of complex systems.
We strongly believe in interdisciplinary approaches to tackling interesting challenges and pressing problems both in academic and industrial R&D.
We designed infectious disease epidemiological data management pipelines in collaboration with regional and national public health institutions in Italy and we are active maintainers and contributors of software packages and organisations within the Julia Programming Language ecosystem with a focus on the development of dynamical modelling frameworks.
Past Projects
Computational Social Science
Computational Epidemiology & Public Health
- ICD_GEMs.jl: A Julia Package to Translate Between ICD-9 and ICD-10 Codes;
- Italian COVID-19 integrated surveillance dataset disaggregated by region, age and sex.
Data Mining & Machine Learning
- User Gender Classification on Reddit applying NLP;
- BERT Sentiment Classification on the IMDb Large Movie Review Dataset;
- Dataset Analysis and CNN Models Optimization for Plant Disease Classification.
Time Series Analysis
Current Projects
Applied Graph Theory / Network Science
Computational Epidemiology & Public Health
Computational Neuroscience
Computational Simulation and Optimisation
Name | GitHub | Julia Discourse | Julia Forem | ||
Pietro Monticone | pietro.monticone | @pitmonticone | @PietroMonticone | @PietroMonticone | @pitmonticone |
Claudio Moroni | claudio.moroni | @ClaudMor | @Claudio__Moroni | @claudio20497 | @claudio_moroni |
Meet the team
Pietro Monticone pitmonticoneInformal Mathematics @unitrento || Formal Mathematics at Harmonic || Formalising in @leanprover || Developing in @JuliaLang and @python.
Featured work
A Julia package for the creation, manipulation and analysis of the structure, dynamics and functions of multilayer graphs.
Julia 7 -
COVID-19 integrated surveillance data provided by the Italian Institute of Health and processed via UnrollingAverages.jl to deconvolve the weekly moving averages.
Julia 31 -
A Julia package to deconvolve ("unroll") moving averages of time series to get the original ones back.
Julia 19 -
Ego Graph Analysis on Social Media.
Jupyter Notebook 10 -
BERT Sentiment Classification on the IMDb Large Movie Review Dataset.
Jupyter Notebook 15