Become a sponsor to bitfire web engineering
There are currently 4 people at bitfire working mainly on DAVx⁵ and ICSx⁵: Ricki (Austria), Bernhard (Austria), Sunik (Germany) and Arnau (Spain).
DAVx⁵ is a project empowering your digital privacy: it gives you the ability to synchronize your data with a server of your choice on Android (normally all data is going to Google servers where it is used to create data profiles).
Everything you donate here will get directly to bitfire who will use the donations to pay the people working on these projects and get it forward faster! We're originally created and are actively developing and maintaining this software since 2013 and we also provide free support! And we constantly improve its features. Although we also sell DAVx⁵ in various Android stores to fund these projects, your free donations really help to keep this project going!
Every goal will unlock a new inspiring quote.
Thank you so much for your support ❤️!
Current sponsors 62
Meet the team
Ricki Hirner rfc2822originally created DAVx⁵ in 2013
Bernhard Stockmann devvv4ever... doing everything but coding for DAVx⁵ ... ;-)
Sunik Kupfer sunkupworks from everywhere (except from home)
Arnau Mora ArnyminerZcan never sit still
Patrick Lang patrickunterwegscreator and developer of jtx Board since 2021
Featured work
DAVx⁵ is an open-source CalDAV/CardDAV suite and sync app for Android. You can also access your online files (WebDAV) with it.
Kotlin 1,758 -
ICSx⁵ is an Android app to subscribe to remote or local iCalendar files (like time tables of your school/university or event files of your sports team).
Kotlin 206