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459 lines (330 loc) · 21.4 KB

Change Log

Version 4.x

See 4.x Change log for the stable version changelogs.

Version 5.0.0-alpha.14


  • Breaking: Move coroutines extensions to okhttp3.coroutines. Previously this artifact shared the okhttp3 package name with our core module, which is incompatible with the Java Platform Module System.

  • Fix in okhttp-coroutines: Publish a valid artifact. The coroutines JAR file in 5.0.0-alpha.13 was corrupt and should not be used.

Version 5.0.0-alpha.13


  • Breaking: Tag unstable new APIs as @ExperimentalOkHttpApi. We intend to release OkHttp 5.0 without stabilizing these new APIs first.

    Do not use these experimental APIs in modules that may be executed using a version of OkHttp different from the version that the module was compiled with. Do not use them in published libraries. Do not use them if you aren't willing to track changes to them.

  • Breaking: Drop support for Kotlin Multiplatform.

    We planned to support multiplatform in OkHttp 5.0, but after building it, we weren't happy with the implementation trade-offs. We can't use our HTTP client engine on Kotlin/JS, and we weren't prepared to build a TLS API for Kotlin/Native.

    We'd prefer a multiplatform HTTP client API that's backed by OkHttp on Android and JVM, and other engines on other platforms. Ktor does this pretty well today!

  • Breaking: Use kotlin.time.Duration in APIs like OkHttpClient.Builder.callTimeout(). This update also drops support for the DurationUnit functions introduced in earlier alpha releases of OkHttp 5.

  • Breaking: Reorder the parameters in the Cache constructor that was introduced in 5.0.0-alpha.3.

  • New: Request.Builder.cacheUrlOverride() customizes the cache key used for a request. This can be used to make canonical URLs for the cache that omit insignificant query parameters or other irrelevant data.

    This feature may be used with POST requests to cache their responses. In such cases the request body is not used to determine the cache key, so you must manually add cache-relevant data to the override URL. For example, you could add a request-body-sha256 query parameter so requests with the same POST data get the same cache entry.

  • New: HttpLoggingInterceptor.redactQueryParams() configures the query parameters to redact in logs. For best security, don't put sensitive information in query parameters.

  • New: ConnectionPool.setPolicy() configures a minimum connection pool size for a target address. Use this to proactively open HTTP connections.

    Connections opened to fulfill this policy are subject to the connection pool's keepAliveDuration but do not count against the pool-wide maxIdleConnections limit.

    This feature increases the client's traffic and the load on the server. Talking to your server's operators before adopting it.

  • New in okhttp-android: HttpLoggingInterceptor.androidLogging() and LoggingEventListener.androidLogging() write HTTP calls or events to Logcat.

  • New: OkHttpClient.webSocketCloseTimeout configures how long a web socket connection will wait for a graceful shutdown before it performs an abrupt shutdown.

  • Fix: Honor RequestBody.isOneShot() in MultipartBody

  • Fix in okhttp-coroutines: Don't leak response bodies in executeAsync(). We had a bug where we didn't call Response.close() if the coroutine was canceled before its response was returned.

  • Upgrade: Okio 3.9.0.

  • Upgrade: Kotlin 1.9.23.

  • Upgrade: Unicode® IDNA 15.1.0

Version 5.0.0-alpha.12


We took too long to cut this release and there's a lot of changes in it. We've been busy.

Although this release is labeled alpha, the only unstable thing in it is our new APIs. This release has many critical bug fixes and is safe to run in production. We're eager to stabilize our new APIs so we can get out of alpha.

  • New: Support Java 21's virtual threads (‘OpenJDK Project Loom’). We changed OkHttp's internals to use Lock and Condition instead of synchronized for best resource utilization.

  • New: Switch our Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) implementation to UTS #46 Nontransitional Processing. With this fix, the ß code point no longer maps to ss. OkHttp now embeds its own IDN mapping table in the library.

  • New: Prefer the client's configured precedence order for TLS cipher suites. (OkHttp used to prefer the JDK’s precedence order.) This change may cause your HTTP calls to negotiate a different cipher suite than before! OkHttp's defaults cipher suites are selected for good security and performance.

  • New: ConnectionListener publishes events for connects, disconnects, and use of pooled connections.

  • Fix: Immediately update the connection's flow control window instead of waiting for the receiving stream to process it.

    This change may increase OkHttp's memory use for applications that make many concurrent HTTP calls and that can receive data faster than they can process it. Previously, OkHttp limited HTTP/2 to 16 MiB of unacknowledged data per connection. With this fix there is a limit of 16 MiB of unacknowledged data per stream and no per-connection limit.

  • Fix: Don't close a Deflater while we're still using it to compress a web socket message. We had a severe bug where web sockets were closed on the wrong thread, which caused NullPointerException crashes in Deflater.

  • Fix: Don't crash after a web socket fails its connection upgrade. We incorrectly released the web socket's connections back to the pool before their resources were cleaned up.

  • Fix: Don't infinite loop when a received web socket message has self-terminating compressed data.

  • Fix: Don't fail the call when the response code is ‘HTTP 102 Processing’ or ‘HTTP 103 Early Hints’.

  • Fix: Honor interceptors' changes to connect and read timeouts.

  • Fix: Recover gracefully when a cached response is corrupted on disk.

  • Fix: Don't leak file handles when a cache disk write fails.

  • Fix: Don't hang when the public suffix database cannot be loaded. We had a bug where a failure reading the public suffix database would cause subsequent reads to hang when they should have crashed.

  • Fix: Avoid InetAddress.getCanonicalHostName() in MockWebServer. This avoids problems if the host machine's IP address has additional DNS registrations.

  • New: Create a JPMS-compatible artifact for JavaNetCookieJar. Previously, multiple OkHttp artifacts defined classes in the okhttp3 package, but this is forbidden by the Java module system. We've fixed this with a new package ( and a new artifact, com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp-java-net-cookiehandler. (The original artifact now delegates to this new one.)

  • New: Cookie.sameSite determines whether cookies should be sent on cross-site requests. This is used by servers to defend against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks.

  • New: Log the total time of the HTTP call in HttpLoggingInterceptor.

  • New: OkHttpClient.Builder now has APIs that use kotlin.time.Duration.

  • New: mockwebserver3.SocketPolicy is now a sealed interface. This is one of several backwards-incompatible API changes that may impact early adopters of this alpha API.

  • New: mockwebserver3.Stream for duplex streams.

  • New: mockwebserver3.MockResponseBody for streamed response bodies.

  • New: mockwebserver3.MockResponse is now immutable, with a Builder.

  • New: mockwebserver3.RecordedRequest.handshakeServerNames returns the SNI (Server Name Indication) attribute from the TLS handshake.

  • Upgrade: Kotlin 1.9.21.

  • Upgrade: Okio 3.7.0.

Version 5.0.0-alpha.11


  • New: Enable fast fallback by default. It's our implementation of Happy Eyeballs, RFC 8305. Disable with OkHttpClient.Builder.fastFallback(false).
  • Fix: Don't log response bodies for server-sent events.
  • Fix: Skip early hints (status code 103) responses.
  • Fix: Don't log sensitive headers in Request.toString().
  • Fix: Don't crash when the dispatcher's ExecutorService is shutdown with many calls still enqueued.
  • Upgrade: GraalVM 22.
  • Upgrade: Kotlin 1.7.10.

Version 5.0.0-alpha.10


  • Fix: Configure the multiplatform artifact (com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.x.x) to depend on the JVM artifact (com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp-jvm:3.x.x) for Maven builds. This should work-around an issue where Maven doesn't interpret Gradle metadata.
  • Fix: Make another attempt at supporting Kotlin 1.5.31 at runtime. We were crashing on DurationUnit which was a typealias in 1.5.x.
  • Upgrade: Okio 3.2.0.

Version 5.0.0-alpha.9


  • New: Enforce label length limits in URLs. HttpUrl now rejects URLs whose domains aren't valid. This includes overly-long domain names (longer than 253 characters), overly-long labels (more than 63 characters between dots), and empty labels.
  • New: Don't include the Content-Length header in multipart bodies. Servers must delimit OkHttp's request bodies using the boundary only. (This change makes OkHttp more consistent with browsers and other HTTP clients.)
  • New: Drop the tunnelProxy argument in MockWebServer.useHttps(). This change only impacts the OkHttp 5.x API which uses the mockwebserver3 package.
  • Fix: Don't call toDuration() which isn't available in kotlin-stdlib 1.4.

Version 5.0.0-alpha.8


  • Fix: Change how H2_PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE works with HTTP proxies. Previously OkHttp assumed the proxy itself was a prior knowledge HTTP/2 server. With this update, OkHttp attempts a CONNECT tunnel just as it would with HTTPS. For prior knowledge with proxies OkHttp's is now consistent with these curl arguments:

    curl \
      --http2-prior-knowledge \
      --proxy localhost:8888 \
      --proxytunnel \
  • Fix: Support executing OkHttp on kotlin-stdlib versions as old as 1.4. The library still builds on up-to-date Kotlin releases (1.6.21) but no longer needs that version as a runtime dependency. This should make it easier to use OkHttp in Gradle plugins.

  • Fix: Don't start the clock on response timeouts until the request body is fully transmitted. This is only relevant for duplex request bodies, because they are written concurrently when reading the response body.

  • New: MockResponse.inTunnel() is a new mockwebserver3 API to configure responses that are served while creating a proxy tunnel. This obsoletes both the tunnelProxy argument on MockWebServer and the UPGRADE_TO_SSL_AT_END socket option. (Only APIs on mockwebserver3 are changed; the old okhttp3.mockwebserver APIs remain as they always have been.

Version 5.0.0-alpha.7


This release introduces new Kotlin-friendly APIs. When we migrated OkHttp from Java to Kotlin in OkHttp 4.0, we kept our Java-first APIs. With 5.0 we're continuing to support Java and adding additional improvements for Kotlin users. In this alpha we're excited to skip-the-builder for requests and remove a common source of non-null assertions (!!) on the response body.

The alpha releases in the 5.0.0 series have production-quality code and an unstable API. We expect to make changes to the APIs introduced in 5.0.0-alpha.X. These releases are safe for production use and 'alpha' strictly signals that we're still experimenting with some new APIs. If you're eager for the fixes or features below, please upgrade.

  • New: Named and default parameters constructor for Request:

    val request = Request(
      url = "".toHttpUrl(),
  • New: Response.body is now non-null. This was generally the case in OkHttp 4.x, but the Kotlin type declaration was nullable to support rare cases like the body on Response.cacheResponse, Response.networkResponse, and Response.priorResponse. In such cases the body is now non-null, but attempts to read its content will fail.

  • New: Kotlin-specific APIs for request tags. Kotlin language users can lookup tags with a type parameter only, like request.tag<MyTagClass>().

  • New: MockWebServer has improved support for HTTP/1xx responses. Once you've migrated to the new mockwebserver3 package, there's a new field, MockResponse.informationalResponses.

  • Fix: Don't interpret trailers as headers after an HTTP/100 response. This was a bug only when the HTTP response body itself is empty.

  • Fix: Don't crash when a fast fallback call has both a deferred connection and a held connection.

  • Fix: OkHttpClient no longer implements Cloneable. It never should have; the class is immutable. This is left over from OkHttp 2.x (!) when that class was mutable. We're using the 5.x upgrade as an opportunity to remove very obsolete APIs.

  • Fix: Recover gracefully when Android's NativeCrypto crashes with "ssl == null". This occurs when OkHttp retrieves ALPN state on a closed connection.

  • Upgrade: Kotlin 1.6.21.

  • Upgrade: Okio 3.1.0.

Version 5.0.0-alpha.6


  • Fix: Don't attempt to close pooled connections. We saw occasional fast fallback calls crash in the previous alpha due to an unexpected race.

Version 5.0.0-alpha.5


  • Fix: Don't include Assertk in OkHttp's production dependencies. This regression was introduced in the 5.0.0-alpha.4 release.
  • Fix: Don't ask Dns implementations to resolve strings that are already IP addresses.
  • Fix: Change fast fallback to race TCP handshakes only. To avoid wasted work, OkHttp will not attempt multiple TLS handshakes for the same call concurrently.
  • Fix: Don't crash loading the public suffix database in GraalVM native images. The function HttpUrl.topPrivateDomain() uses a resource file to identify private domains, but we didn't include this file on GraalVM.

Version 5.0.0-alpha.4


This release introduces fast fallback to better support mixed IPv4+IPv6 networks. Fast fallback is what we're calling our implementation of Happy Eyeballs, RFC 8305. With this feature OkHttp will attempt both IPv6 and IPv4 connections concurrently, keeping whichever connects first. Fast fallback gives IPv6 connections a 250 ms head start so IPv6 is preferred on networks where it's available.

To opt-in, configure your OkHttpClient.Builder:

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
  • New: Change the build from Kotlin-JVM to Kotlin-multiplatform (which includes JVM). Both native and JavaScript platforms are unstable preview releases and subject to backwards-incompatible changes in forthcoming releases.
  • Fix: Don't crash loading the public suffix database resource in obfuscated builds.
  • Fix: Don't silently ignore calls to EventSource.cancel() made from EventSourceListener.onOpen().
  • Fix: Enforce the max intermediates constraint when using pinned certificates with Conscrypt. This impacts Conscrypt when the server's presented certificates form both a trusted-but-unpinned chain and an untrusted-but-pinned chain.
  • Upgrade: Kotlin 1.6.10.

Version 5.0.0-alpha.3


  • Fix: Change Headers.toString() to redact authorization and cookie headers.
  • Fix: Don't do DNS to get the hostname for RecordedRequest.requestUrl. This was doing a DNS lookup for the local hostname, but we really just wanted the Host header.
  • Fix: Don't crash with a InaccessibleObjectException when detecting the platform trust manager on Java 17+.
  • Fix: Don't crash if a cookie's value is a lone double quote character.
  • Fix: Don't crash when canceling an event source created by EventSources.processResponse().
  • New: Cache now has a public constructor that takes an [okio.FileSystem]. This should make it possible to implement decorators for cache encryption or compression.
  • New: Cookie.newBuilder() to build upon an existing cookie.
  • New: Use TLSv1.3 when running on JDK 8u261 or newer.
  • New: QueueDispatcher.clear() may be used to reset a MockWebServer instance.
  • New: FileDescriptor.toRequestBody() may be particularly useful for users of Android's Storage Access Framework.
  • Upgrade: Kotlin 1.5.31.
  • Upgrade: Okio 3.0.0.

Version 5.0.0-alpha.2


In this release MockWebServer has a new Maven coordinate and package name. A longstanding problem with MockWebServer has been its API dependency on JUnit 4. We've reorganized things to remove that dependency while preserving backwards compatibility.

Maven Coordinate Package Name Description
com.squareup.okhttp3:mockwebserver3:5.0.0-alpha.2 mockwebserver3 Core module. No JUnit dependency!
com.squareup.okhttp3:mockwebserver3-junit4:5.0.0-alpha.2 mockwebserver3.junit4 Optional JUnit 4 integration.
com.squareup.okhttp3:mockwebserver3-junit5:5.0.0-alpha.2 mockwebserver3.junit5 Optional JUnit 5 integration.
com.squareup.okhttp3:mockwebserver:5.0.0-alpha.2 okhttp3.mockwebserver Obsolete. Depends on JUnit 4.

The new APIs use mockwebserver3 in both the Maven coordinate and package name. This new API is not stable and will likely change before the final 5.0.0 release.

If you have code that subclasses okhttp3.mockwebserver.QueueDispatcher, this update is not source or binary compatible. Migrating to the new mockwebserver3 package will fix this problem.

  • New: DNS over HTTPS is now a stable feature of OkHttp. We introduced this as an experimental module in 2018. We are confident in its stable API and solid implementation.
  • Fix: Work around a crash in Android 10 and 11 that may be triggered when two threads concurrently close an SSL socket. This would have appeared in crash logs as NullPointerException: bio == null.
  • Fix: Use plus + instead of %20 to encode space characters in FormBody. This was a longstanding bug in OkHttp. The fix makes OkHttp consistent with major web browsers.
  • Fix: Don't crash if Conscrypt returns a null version.
  • Fix: Include the public suffix data as a resource in GraalVM native images.
  • Fix: Fail fast when the cache is corrupted.
  • Fix: Fail fast when a private key cannot be encoded.
  • Fix: Fail fast when attempting to verify a non-ASCII hostname.
  • Upgrade: GraalVM 21.
  • Upgrade: Kotlin 1.4.20.

Version 5.0.0-alpha.1


This release adds initial support for GraalVM.

GraalVM is an exciting new platform and we're eager to adopt it. The startup time improvements over the JVM are particularly impressive. Try it with okcurl:

$ ./gradlew okcurl:nativeImage
$ ./okcurl/build/graal/okcurl

This is our first release that supports GraalVM. Our code on this platform is less mature than JVM and Android! Please report any issues you encounter: we'll fix them urgently.

  • Fix: Attempt to read the response body even if the server canceled the request. This will cause some calls to return nice error codes like HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests instead of transport errors like SocketException: Connection reset and StreamResetException: stream was reset: CANCEL.

  • New: Support OSGi metadata.

  • Upgrade: Okio 2.9.0.


Note that this was originally released on 2020-10-06 as 4.10.0-RC1. The only change from that release is the version name.