This is a demo mobile app that is intended to help you understand / implement / play with a mobile application that can help you understand some use cases and implementations for PKCE OAuth and GraphQL!
We have a blog post to accompany this repo here
NOTE: This app DOES NOT use Expo. While setting up your React Native environment please keep that in mind, and follow instructions to setup without Expo.
Create a developer account at Square Developer and create a new app
Navigate to the sandbox test accounts and create a new test account. In this Example we named ours 'Flour Power'.
Click the name of the newly created sandbox seller. Open the drop down for your app and use the
access token
from this screen in the next step. -
Use the accessToken from above place it's value into the
variable inseed-data.js
. We are not saving this value in our.env
because the value would get packaged into our app - which would be a security nightmare, and undo the purpose of using PKCE! -
Install node modules and then run the command to seed sample data into your test seller account.
$ npm install $ npm run seed
Configure your app to have a redirect URL -
. Paste the value of yourApplication Id
andRedirect URL
into the values in the.env
note: you can run npm run clear
to delete the test data from the seller account as well. You can also easily delete the test seller, and create a new one. Just repeat step 3 after doing so.
note: DO NOT SKIP if deploying on iOS - this set up is critical to the success of making PKCE OAuth on the client work.
This app utilizes Universal Links. In order to use Universal links you must have an Apple Developer Account. You will need a web server running that can host a apple-app-site-association file. We used to handle this.
Make sure your App identifier is placed into the app, and that you have configured all the proper device signing in your apple developer account.
If you run into issues with environment setup for react native and iOS, check out the docs
If the app is having trouble launching, you should stop all processes, open Xcode, launch an emulator, and once all of that is running, then try npx reactive-native start
and press i
to launch the iOS app
We have noticed that the app runs better on an iPhone 14, but might default to opening on an iphone SE. In the emulator menu there is a section for Devices, and you should be able to select a different phone. You can then restart the metro server and see if that fixes the issue.
note: DO NOT SKIP if deploying on Android - this set up is critical to the success of making PKCE OAuth on the client work.
This app utilizes Android App Links. In order to implement this you will need to have web server running that can host a file called. assetLinks.json. The package name
for this repo is com.squaredevgraphqlpkce
. We used to handle hosting this file.
Getting React native to work with Android is a bit cumbersome. Please follow these instructions as closely as you can.
If you have configured your android app link correctly but the app is not opening, follow these steps to manually verify you configured it correctly.
- Install node modules
npm install
Link / install the cocoa pods
npx pod-install ios
Run the app
npx react-native run-ios
Alternatively you can also run
npx react-native start
and then pressi
to load the xcode install
npx react-native start
open a second terminal and run:
npx react-native run-android
Once your app has booted on the emulator and you can see the Neon Nexus login page, you need to do these next steps before the PKCE flow will work
In the emulator, move out of the app and open safari.
Navigate to the developer dashboard
Login to your Square Developer account.
Once logged in, scroll down to your sandbox seller accounts, and click open next to the sandbox seller account created on Step 2 in the Square Setup Section
Once Safari has opened a new window with your sandbox seller dashboard, open the sample app, you can now proceed with the OAuth flow.