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A nostr relay

🚨 breaking changes incoming

the code is slowly stablizing but i'm still changing the code in a backwards incompatible way ... this probably isn't ready for prod yet either (until I run it in prod more myself)

what booger does

  • supports many NIPs: 1, 2, 4, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20, 26, 28, 33, 40
  • suitable for horizontally scaling websocket layer with a load balancer
  • plugin-able: connections, disconnections, subs, sub closes, events, eoses, notices, and errors
  • compiles into a single, secure executable
    • releases contain executables with different permissions enforced by the runtime:
      1. normal - an executable that runs like most things you run on your computer
      2. secure - a runtime-restricted executable
  • rate limits (very basic ones atm)
  • collects stats on connections and subscriptions (for analysis or whatevs)

what booger doesn't do (yet)

  • elaborate defenses: spam filtering, payments
  • use postgres read replicas
  • use postgres partitions

what booger wants

simplicity, ease of use, extensibility, scalability, performance, security

booger in words

  • deno serves websockets
  • filters are stored in a sqlite in-memory database and mapped to a websocket
  • events are persisted in postgres
  • when an event is persisted (or an ephemeral event is received) a postgres NOTIFY event, <event json> is broadcast
  • all booger processes in the cluster LISTEN event and when notified check sqlite for matching filters and send to corresponding websockets

booger in pictures

booger cluster

booger cluster

booger process

booger process

how to run (locally from a release executable)

  1. install postgres and run it (welcome to app programming)
  2. download the latest booger release and unzip it
  3. run ./booger and your nostr relay is listening on

how to run (locally from source)

  1. install postgres and run it (welcome to app programming)
  2. insall deno 1.34.2 or later (welcome to deno)
  3. get booger's source
  4. from booger's dir run deno task compile to generate an executable booger πŸ₯Έ
    • to produce a secure executable run deno task compile-secure instead
  5. run ./booger and your nostr relay is listening on

how to configure

via booger.jsonc

The easiest way to configure booger is through the ./booger.jsonc file. Run ./booger --init to generate a ./booger.jsonc containing all of booger's configuration options and defaults.

via env

The following env vars are used by booger and take precendence over any corresponding values provided in ./booger.jsonc

name booger.jsonc name
HOSTNAME hostname
PORT port
DB db
DB_STATS plugs.builtin.stats.db
DB_LIMITS plugs.builtin.limits.db

reminder: all of the default values are documented in the ./booger.jsonc file generated by running ./booger --init.

via cli

Configuration values passed via cli take precedence over those in env and ./booger.jsonc.

[keyan booger]🍏 ./booger --help
booger - a nostr relay


  booger [options]

  -i, --init
          write default config to ./booger.jsonc
  -c, --config <path>
          path to booger config file (default: ./booger.jsonc)
  -b, --hostname <ip or hostname>
          interface to listen on (default:
 for all interfaces
  -p, --port <port>
          port to listen on (default: 8006)
  -d, --db <postgres url>
          postgres url for nostr data (default: postgres://
  -s, --db-stats <postgres url>
          postgres url for stats booger data (default: postgres://
  -l, --db-limits <postgres url>
          postgres url for limits booger data (default: postgres://
  -e, --dotenv <path>
          path to .env file (default: none)
  --plugs-dir <path>
          path to plugs directory (default: ./plugs)
  --plugs-builtin-use <plugs>
          comma seperated list of builtin plugs to use (default: validate,stats,limits)
  -h, --help
          print help
  -v, --version
          print version

how to plugin (aka booger plugs)

booger's core attempts to provide things that all relays want. Booger plugs are a way for booger operators to define custom behavior like rate limits, special validation rules, logging, and what not via Web Workers.

booger's validation, stat collector, and rate limiting are all implemented as booger plugs.

Read the booger plug docs.

how to compile with different permissions

If you try to access things that a secure booger executable isn't permitted to access (like a remote postgres or a booger.jsonc not in pwd), deno's runtime will prompt you to access them. If you'd like to avoid deno's prompts, you'll need to compile booger with different permissions.

You can view the deno compile command we use to compile booger in deno.jsonc and modify it to your liking. Read more about deno's permissions.

thanks to

  1. camari's nostream - heavily inspired booger's validation and integration tests
  2. hoytech's strfry - heavily inspired booger plugs with their write policy
  3. alex gleason's strfry write policies - awesome set of strfry policy examples
  4. everyone working on nostr
  5. everyone working on deno
  6. the authors of booger's dependencies (all of which are awesome):
  7. my cat dona, meow




do it. i dare you.