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semistandard Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

16.0.1 2021-06-14

Updated to standard 16.0.3.

Check standard changelog that covers all the updates in detail:


  • Updated to eslint-config-semistandard version 16.0.0
  • Removed unused eslint-plugin-standard

16.0.0 2020-10-30

Updated to standard 16.0.0.

Check standard changelog that covers all the updates in detail:

15.0.0 2020-10-29

Updated to eslint 7 and standard 15.0.0.

Check standard changelog that covers all the updates in detail:

14.2.3 2020-07-25

  • Republish with complete changelog

14.2.2 2020-07-25

  • Republish without CRLF to resolve issues on MacOS.

14.2.0 - 2019-09-14

  • Update eslint to 6.4.0

14.1.0 2019-09-04

Check standard changelog that covers all the updates in detail:

14.0.1 2019-08-19

Check standard changelog that covers all the updates in detail:

14.0.0 2019-08-19

Updated to eslint 6 and standard 13.0.0.

Check standard changelog that covers all the updates in detail:

13.0.0 2018-11-06

Updated to eslint 5 and standard 12.0.0 and the latest standard-engine.

Check standard changelog that covers all the updates in detail:

12.0.0 2017-12-19

Updated to eslint 4 and standard 11.0.0 and the latest standard-engine.

With the eslint update, there are a few rules that are more strict now. Thankfully running semistandard --fix will fix just about all of them!

Check standard changelog that covers all the updates in detail:

11.0.0 2017-04-20

Updated to match the latest standard v10.0.2 rules and the newest standard-engine features.

Check standard changelog that covers all the updates:

In summary:

  • using deprecated Node.js APIs is now considered an error. It's finally time to update those dusty old APIs!

New features

  • Update ESLint from 3.15.x to 3.19.x.
  • Node.js API: Add standard.lintTextSync method

New rules

(Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite in parens)

  • Disallow using deprecated Node.js APIs (node/no-deprecated-api) #693 (13%)
    • Ensures that code always runs without warnings on the latest versions of Node.js
    • Ensures that safe Buffer methods (Buffer.from(), Buffer.alloc()) are used instead of Buffer()
  • Enforce callbacks always called with Node.js-style error first (standard/no-callback-literal) #623 (3%)
    • Functions named callback or cb must be invoked with null, undefined, or an Error as the first argument
    • Disallows using a string instead of an Error object
    • Disallows confusing callbacks that do not follow the standard Node.js pattern
  • Disallow any imports that come after non-import statements (import/first) #806 (1%)
  • Disallow unnecessary return await (no-return-await) #695 (0%)
  • Disallow comma-dangle in functions (comma-dangle) #787 (0%)
  • Disallow repeated exports of names or defaults (import/export) #806 (0%)
  • Disallow import of modules using absolute paths (import/no-absolute-path) #806 (0%)
  • Disallow Webpack loader syntax in imports (import/no-webpack-loader-syntax) #806 (0%)
  • Disallow comparing against -0 (no-compare-neg-zero) #812 (0%)

Changed rules

  • Relax rule: allow using to omit properties from an object (no-unused-vars) #800
    • This is a common and useful pattern in React/JSX apps!
  • Relax rule: allow Flow import type statements (import/no-duplicates) #599
    • These are no longer considered to be "duplicate imports"
  • Relax rule: Treat process.exit() the same as throw in code path analysis (node/process-exit-as-throw) #699
    • Makes certain other rules work better and give fewer false positives
  • Relax rule: allow Unnecessary Labels (no-extra-label)
    • Redundant, since "no-labels" is already enabled, which is more restrictive

(from standard 10.0.2):

  • Relax rule: Disallow import of modules using absolute paths (import/no-absolute-path) #861
    • This rule was responsible for up to 25% of the running time of standard, so we are disabling it until its performance improves.

10.0.0 2017-03-06

Updated to match the latest standard rules and the newest standard-engine features.

@feross did a great writeup on the standard changelog that covers all the updates:

In summary:

New features

  • Update ESLint from 3.10.x to 3.15.x
  • 3 additional rules are now fixable with standard --fix

New rules

(Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite in parens)

Changed rules

  • Relax rule: allow TypeScript Triple-Slash Directives (spaced-comment) #660
  • Relax rule: allow Flow Comments (spaced-comment) #661

9.0.0 2016-09-03

Updated to match the latest standard rules and the newest standard-engine features.

@feross did a great writeup on the standard changelog that covers all the updates:

In summary:

New features

  • Upgrade to ESLint v3 (
    • BREAKING: Drop support for node < 4 (this was a decision made by the ESLint team)
  • Expose ESLint's --fix command line flag standard-engine/#107
    • Lightweight, no additional dependencies, fixes dozens of rules automatically
    • Note: for semistandard, we left the existing --format flag in place, which uses semistandard-format, but I highly recommend using --fix instead!

New rules

(Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite in parens)

Changed rules

  • Relax rule: Allow template literal strings (backtick strings) to avoid escaping #421
  • Relax rule: Do not enforce spacing around * in generator functions (standard/standard#564 (comment))
    • This is a temporary workaround for babel users who use async generator functions.

8.0.0 2016-05-12

Updated to match the latest standard rules and use the latest version of semistandard-format.

New Rules

6.1.1 2016-06-17

  • Bump standard-engine to 1.8.1, which fixes an NPE. (thanks again @wombleton)

6.1.0 2015-06-16

6.0.0 2015-06-03


  • no-extra-semi - This rule is aimed at eliminating extra unnecessary semicolons. While not technically an error, extra semicolons can be a source of confusion when reading code.

  • semi-spacing - Disallow a space before semicolons and force a space after them.

5.0.0 2015-05-29

  • Updated to standard rules 2.0.0 BREAKING CHANGE: new rule operator-linebreak set to "after"

4.3.0 2015-05-29

  • Updated to standard-engine 1.6.0
  • alternate parsers are now supported. See for details!

4.2.2 2015-05-25

  • Since standard-engine now supports passing a formatter, we've switched back to using it for the CLI.

4.2.1 2015-05-25

  • Bumped all dependencies to their latest minor versions in package.json
  • This includes a fix in standard-engine which dramatically speeds up lint times!

4.2.0 2015-05-20

  • Switch to using eslint-config-semistandard, which extends eslint-config-standard. This means that non-breaking changes in standard should automatically get reflected now!

  • Thanks to new collaborator @ricardofbarros, semistandard now has a --format (-F) flag! It uses his semistandard-format module which is a fork of standard-format. Good Stuff!

4.1.4 2015-05-02

  • Merged from standard: relax rule no-alert

4.1.3 - 2015-04-23

  • Merged from standard rules: relax no-lone-blocks rule for ES6 reasons

4.1.2 - 2015-04-16

  • Fixed programmatic usage so it actually works.

4.1.1 - 2015-04-15

  • Update standard-engine version to fix crash on absolute filesystem path

4.1.0 - 2015-04-14

Merged latest from standard 3.6.0:

  • Rule turned off: no-script-url
  • All warning rules changed to error
  • Changed space-before-function-parentheses to space-before-function-paren
  • new react rules added
    • "react/jsx-boolean-value": 2
    • "react/jsx-quotes": [2, "single", "avoid-escape"]
    • "react/jsx-no-undef": 2
    • "react/jsx-sort-props": 0
    • "react/no-unknown-property": 2

Updates from standard-engine

  • Ignore linting for all files in .gitignore.
  • Removed /git/** exclusion as its redundant.
  • Output errors to stdout instead of stderr.