Zhejiang University
- Hangzhou, China
- 8h ahead - https://tonycrane.cc/
- https://t.me/TonyCraneSky
- https://space.bilibili.com/171431343
🖊 Fonts
Font based on Iosevka Custom Build, with combination from Iosevka SS04 Menlo, SS07 Monaco, SS09 Source Code Pro, SS12 Ubuntu Mono, SS14 Jetbrains Mono, Hack Style, and some Nerd Font Patching.
Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
This is a fun, new monospaced font that includes programming ligatures and is designed to enhance the modern look and feel of the Windows Terminal.
JetBrains Mono – the free and open-source typeface for developers
An open-source Chinese font derived from Fontworks' Klee One. 一款开源中文字体,基于 FONTWORKS 出品字体 Klee One 衍生。
Keep your wireframes free of distracting Lorem Ipsum.
Open source Pan-CJK pixel font / 开源的泛中日韩像素字体
A Chinese handwriting font derived from YozFont. 一款衍生于 YozFont 的中文手写字型。
A Chinese sans-serif font derived from IPAex Gothic. 一款衍生于「IPAexゴシック」的中文黑体字型。
Open-source pan-CJK font families with enormous range of weights, the CJK sans and serif you have dreamed of.
repository for JuliaMono, a monospaced font with reasonable Unicode support.
「缝合楷」:将「霞鹜文楷 GB」「芫荽」「Klee One」等字体相互合并制成的以各地字形为主的 Klee One 衍生字体。
煮豆黑体,Noto 风格中日韩标点符号字体。A font family for CJK symbols and punctuation, derived from Noto Sans.
得意黑 Smiley Sans:一款在人文观感和几何特征中寻找平衡的中文黑体
SHSans-derived CJK font family with a more concise & modern look. 未来荧黑·未來熒黑·ヒカリ角ゴ:基于思源黑体改造,拥有粗度和宽度系列,更加简明现代的超大字体家族。
LXGW Neo XiHei and LXGW Neo ZhiSong for Screen Reading.
A Chinese serif font derived from IPAmj Mincho. 一款衍生于「IPAmj明朝」的中文宋体字型。
Source Han Serif | 思源宋体 | 思源宋體 | 思源宋體 香港 | 源ノ明朝 | 본명조