- Phoenix, AZ
- 7h behind - https://andrewm.codes/
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🎩 Alfred
Alfred workflow to search through any website (easily extendable list)
add a background updater for your Alfred Workflow in under a minute ⏲️
Themes inspired by Twitter's new font, Chirp
Alfred 3 workflow that allows you to browse and open Visual Studio Code projects or simply open specified folders/files
The Twitter Toolkit for Alfred is a Workflow that lets you quickly interact with Twitter's web client, Mac app, and Tweetbot.
Special Characters by Typefacts — An Alfred App Workflow
Alfred workflow - Copy and paste titled link from foremost web browser
Encoding and decoding a string into multiple variations.
that shit connects and disconnects your AirPods Pro through Alfred. 🎩️
An Alfred workflow for Obsidian that fits my need.
Alfred 4 Workflow to find the perfect color in the Tailwind Color Palette
Alfred workflow for Obsidian note-taking app. Open vaults and files in Obsidian.
An workflow for Alfred to create Gists from your clipboard contents or selected file(s).
Alfred workfow for search safari history.
Search and open 1Password items
Script Commands let you tailor Raycast to your needs. Think of them as little productivity boosts throughout your day.
Alfred 5 workflow for opening files or folders in Visual Studio Code
Take a screenshot, upload it to Cloudinary. Get back https image link to clipboard.