VIRify: detection of phages and eukaryotic viruses from metagenomic and metatranscriptomic assemblies
MGnify documentation and Jupyter Lab notebooks to support downstream analysis of MGnify data (EMBL-EBI's metagenomics platform)
CovsirPhy: Python library for COVID-19 analysis with phase-dependent SIR-derived ODE models.
Data archive of identifiable COVID-19 related public projects on GitHub
A Shiny Web App tutorial inspecting the COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) epidemic, data from
Toolkit for downloading Johns Hopkins CSSEGIS Data into R via raw github repo
Visualization of confirmed and recovered Corona cases, data from
COVID 19 Python Analysis reading data from
Data exploration for covid-19 from
Python library for analyzing COVID-19 data at CSSEGISandData repository on GitHub
Pandas tracking COVID19 data from John Hopkins
simple dashboard showing neighbour countries' latest data from
How Charts are displayed on the WorldOMeter for Covid-19, Data Taken from here(
Personal python scripts that scrape covid-19 data from Johns Hopkins github repo (
I undertook a comprehensive analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic's impact, utilizing data-driven insights to better understand trends, patterns, and implications. This project allowed me to harness my…