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🔋 PowerShell
Collection of PowerShell Snippets / Functions
PowerShell module to invoke native commands
Wrapper Module to get the latest versions of Fred's most commonly used PowerShell utilities & tools
Helpful utilities that tune your PSReadline experience
Module to compile powershell scripts to executables
Provides PowerShell language and debugging support for Visual Studio Code
A V3 PowerShell module to improve tab expansion and Intellisense
PowerShell Dependency Handler
🔧 🔨 A set of PowerShell functions you might use to enhance your own functions and scripts or to facilitate working in the console. Most should work in both Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7, even…
A set of commands for working with PowerShell 7.x releases.
PowerShell function to create a HTML help file for a module and all it's commands.
🔩 PoShLog is PowerShell cross-platform logging module. It allows you to log structured event data into console, file and much more places easily. It's built upon great C# logging library Serilog - …
ChocolateyGet provider allows to download packages from Chocolatey.org repository via OneGet
Modules that mix PowerShell and GUIs/CUIs!
A PowerShell module to automate the installation and update of choco packages and PS Modules
A common platform for PowerShell development support in any editor or application!
Implements a central modulepath for WinPS and PS7
Scripts and tools for use with Microsoft products/technologies
PowerShell and Windows Terminal AHK shortcuts. Through AHK / JSON
This PowerShell Module provides simple functions to control Windows Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) from command line.
user-friendly mode of the powershell appx install and uninstall commands
Refreshes/reloads the environment variables in the current PowerShell session
Install Windows Terminal entirely from PowerShell.
This repository is a collection of powershell functions every hacker should know