The Standard ML compiler that produces Lua/JavaScript
Hindley-Milner type inference in Scheme, for Scheme
Transducers: Ergonomic, efficient data processing.
Embedded WebAssembly runtime for Common Lisp
FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING: Application and Implementation, Peter Henderson, ISBN 0-13-331579-7
A naïve continuation-passing-style-transform based compiler for a language asymptotically approaching R5RS Scheme.
syn·di·cate: a language for interactive programs
3-lisp implementation from Procedural Reflection in Programming Languages, volume i., Brian Cantwell Smith
A core concatenative programming language with variables and first-rank polymorphic type inference
The APL programming language (a subset thereof) compiling to Common Lisp.
theseus, functional programming language with fully reversible computation
Linked data tooling for the Racket programming language (json-ld, eventually more)
A purely functional programming language with first class types
a model of MIR and the Rust type/trait system
A mini-Scheme implementation designed for teaching, targeting the web