This is a demo shell powered by WebAssembly, WASI, Asyncify and File System Access API.
Cross platform C++ library focusing on optimized machine translation on the consumer-grade device.
System headers for interfacing WebGPU from C programs compiled via Emscripten to WebAssembly
Javascript WASM bindings for Nvidia PhysX
This is a boilerplate example of how to write c++ code and translate it using emscripten into javascript. Then using a typescript declaration (definition) file or *.d.ts, how to use that in a types…
Using WebAssembly With React From Scratch!
Penguin Statistics result recognizer based on OpenCV, compiled using Emscripten and delivered via WASM to users with browsers.
Minimal program to exlore getting threads working with Rust and emscripten for a wasm target
A template project of imgui + sdl for the web. Using cmake, conan (optional), and emscripten. Compiles to WebAssembly (WASM).
Barebones demo of WebGPU cross-platform (web/native) via CMake/Emscripten
Documenting my journey on implementing Dijkstras Algorithm in C++ and taking it to the web with web-assembly and Javascript 😄
Visualization and editing of periodic molecular structure files.
The front end code of my masters thesis which is about computational steering and CAVE virtual reality environment.
Setup Emscripten for use with GitHub actions
Some simple sketches made with C++, Emscripten and WebAssembly
vgMath - light, complete and ultra compact math library: quaternions, vectors and square Matrix for 3D graphichs backend: OpenGL / Vulkan / WebGPU / ...
React Three Fiber - Typescript Starter Template
🔨 A boilerplate project to quickly build a Chrome extension using TypeScript React with hooks.
WebGL Ray Marching MandelBulber 3D rendering