A Logseq plugin for missing types of fenced code 🚀
Logseq plugin that lets you create diagrams from textual representation (aka 'Diagrams as Code'). It supports a wide range of diagram types and languages, including Mermaid, Graphviz, PlantUML, and…
Logtools: utilities for Logseq (kanban, image gallery, priority matrix, ...)
Add bullet threading to your active blocks in Logseq.
Create mermaid diagrams in image format on-the-fly.
A logseq plugin that lets you find #tags
Logseq markdown table editor.
A Logseq plugin which lets you open pages in tabs like working in the browser
A very tiny plugin for Logseq to bind shortcuts to change heading levels
Building an automatic comment history for Logseq
use external app to open logseq file
Heal your Markdown files: convert to outline, list tasks and more tools to come
Yarle - The ultimate converter of Evernote notes to Markdown
learn more about the relationships between between your notes using network analysis algorithms
A quick utility to capitalize items in a block or make it lowercase