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Ham Radio
Under development open hardware microwave vector network analyzer
Web based amateur radio logging application built using PHP & MySQL supports general station logging tasks from HF to Microwave with supporting applications to support CAT control.
The fastest, easiest, bestest way to log your amateur radio operations on the go.
UV-K5 toolkit utility to read/write EEPROM and flashing firmware for Quansheng UV-K5 and UV-R5 radios
Webbased Amateur Radio Logging Software - Log your contacts from everywhere!
WLGate, the CAT-Bridge for WSJT-* and FLRig to Wavelog
Wave-Flex-Integrator connects FlexRadio with Wavelog for seamless DX spot integration, logging automation, and real-time panadapter displays, enhancing the ham radio experience.
Hardware interface for connecting your transceiver to Wavelog HAM logging web application
Simple tool to connect Hamlib rigctld instance with Wavelog
Ham radio control library for rigs, rotators, tuners, and amplifiers
Library to control ICOM Radios via Icoms CI-V bus (serial HW and/or Bluetooth) from Arduino+ESP32 - Successor of CIVbusLib - New features see in Readme.md
A Dockerized version of HamClock by Elwood Downey WBØOEW.
Amateur radio APRS daemon which listens for messages and responds. By KM6LYW.